Economic Advantages of 'Globalization' in the Indian Context

Discussion in 'Economy & Infrastructure' started by Greatest, Feb 19, 2014.

  1. Greatest

    Greatest New Member

    Globalization refers to a process of increasing economic integration and growing economic interdependence between countries in the world economy. The main purpose of globalization is to integrate international market across the geographic and political boundary, so that goods, commodities, services, capital, labor and human population can move freely. It means expansion of free flow of international trade without any barrier and restriction. In the Indian context Globalisation has paid off many benefits and it has brought about various economic advantages for the country which are as follow :

    1. Globalization has accelerated the process of Industrial growth in the country. It has become easier for the industrial units to move towards the developed countries and in order to comfy in their developed industrial infrastructure.

    2. It has helped India in upgrading and improving the technology prospects. It has become easier for the country to borrow and lending the technical perspectives and visions from the other technically sound countries.

    3. Along with the industries and technical knowledge, capital movement has also been facilitated through the medium of globalization. The movement of these has become flexible and convenient.

    4. Globalization has helped in the speedy production and free flow of goods. Goods are now produced at the feasible costs and supplied to various corners of the world at competitive prices.

    5. Globalization has given impetus to consumption. Due to the application of sophisticated technology goods are now produced and supplied to the market at t competitive prices and that too in attractive styles. Modern media of advertisements have also added to the quantum of consumption. In brief, globalization had facilitated Consumerism in India.

    6. Globalization has contributed to the higher standards of living of the Indian people. It has familiarized International standards for the Indian people. Globalization has also added greatly to the Employment Potentiality. It has fetch greater income to the employees. Hence, human welfare is better promoted among the Indian people and growth of human personalities is supposed to be achieved.

  2. shinning

    shinning New Member

    Definitely has made the world smaller, and also there is an increase in employment and also in business after globalisation

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