Don't marry those men who take Dowry

Discussion in 'Women' started by sara21, Oct 24, 2008.

  1. sara21

    sara21 New Member

    I would like to share my views about the status of women in our country - INDIA.The inequalities between Men and Women are only man made. There is no difference between them. Upliftment of women leads to the upliftment of our country.

    Dowry ( Dahej ) system has to be prohibited. It is the youth of the present generation who can change the situation. All the men of India should go for dowry less marriages. Sometimes even the educated men take dowry which is considered as a crime. Then what is the use of education ???

    Dowry is prohibited by an act in the year 1961, but no one follows this.Why should bride's parents pay money to the groom ? is the groom a cheap thing in a shop to buy him.All the Girls of our country should not marry the men who take dowry."Awake , arise and stop not till the goal is achieved " said swami Vivekanand Ji.

    Indian Girls , Indian Women , Indian Ladies

    Don't Marry those men who take dowry !

    Jai Hind !!!
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2008

  2. seetumail

    seetumail New Member

    A person gives his daughter and also pays for her.this simply means that the boys family wont be able to feed and keep the girl.the girl should give the boys family some money for the charity sake
  3. seema

    seema New Member

    Dowry became a ritual in our country.People follow it as custom and think it as a very important aspect of any marriage.few people are exceptions who consider it as useless custom and fight against it.
  4. amitkriit

    amitkriit New Member

    the other side

    :eek: One of my friend (female) recently (it has been one year) got married, this was a love marriage without any trouble. Everything went well for 4 months and after that she herself demanded things like vehicle, refregerator etc. and above all a flat from her parents. Its not only that boy's family demands dowry many times such demands are quitely supported by girls themselves and they only resist when they themselves start getting effected after their family refuses to cough out any more.
  5. kousikmca

    kousikmca New Member

    Not practical..

    Its a great irony that still in our country marriages are fixed by all people who are not actually involved in it (i mean not by the couple themselves).. so dowry is gonna rule..
    If a Bride says I wont give -> she wont get married
    If a Groom says I wont take (this is wost) -> ppl doubt him, think he may be defective :)
  6. amitkriit

    amitkriit New Member

    What should I do?

    My sister is going to get married in November this year, my sister likes the man and the man likes my sister, only problem is 12 Lakh asked as dowry by his parents which I need to cough out as my father can not and I can (I am working at a senior position in an IT company so I can). If I say no, it will definitely annoy my family and my sister will not like it a bit, she will think I don't love/care for her. If I agree to pay I will come back to ground zero with no financial security. Any girl ready with a solution?:confused:
  7. Desi_Boi

    Desi_Boi New Member

    No one in my family or our extended family take dowry :rolleyes:
  8. Desi_Boi

    Desi_Boi New Member

    Its shameful to ask for dowry but if it is given as a gift then i think its ok :cool:
  9. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    WOW thats NOT a bad idea...even i am going to do the same thing, keep asking for expensive and exotic items :)
  10. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    hmm...ok I think I've got a solution. Hoping that your sister is NOt amrried yet.

    Instead of giving 12 lakhs as Cash. Create a portfolio something like NSC or LIC policy worth Rs.12 lakhs wherein you can pay on a yearly basis.
  11. amitkriit

    amitkriit New Member

    hmm....sounds practical.......why I said what I said was because I wanted to tell that implications of dowry go beyond what is usually perceived, u can see how the burden is shifted to other family members (me in this case) and how a family can be tempted to ask for dowry to balance the other end (I will not mind if my parents ask for 12 lakhs as dowry for me, as this is the only way to break even).
  12. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    yeah i know it'll be difficult, and I feel for you.
    And Why should you give Dowry, and I dont understand if its a love marriage, how could the Guy allow his parents to even talk about dowry?

    Probably your Sister should take this up more seriously,
    I dont know what relationship they share, but can be that the guy is getting married just for these 12 lakhs and later some more money. I am sorry if i wrong here. dont mean to hurt your feelings.

    Getting married invlolves some HEAVY damage to the family monetarily. My family is looking for a prospective groom for me, even though i am 22. and are NOT letting me buy a car becuase they want to save up for the marriage expenses, can you believe it? This SUCKS!!!!
    Last edited: May 25, 2009
  13. gokulsiva

    gokulsiva New Member

    you are very right my dear friend

    those persons who asks dowry are not eligible to marry, I think so........
  14. amitkriit

    amitkriit New Member

    Easy to think, hard to implement, real hard. If you don't somebody else will.
  15. indianbeep

    indianbeep New Member

    they should be legally penalised
  16. amitkriit

    amitkriit New Member

    Should be/Must be are words which look good in text books, real life is different. Thse changes cannot be brough apruptly into society, but gradually people can be conviced that dowry is a menace. Situation as for now is that parents seldom need to give dowry for "working girls", but you need to cough out if the girl is a homemaker brand. Personally I will not ask for dowry if I don't need to give dowry for my sister's marriage.
  17. indianking

    indianking New Member

  18. Manish Singh

    Manish Singh New Member

    well as far as i think it is not in the hands of women, because even today most of the marriages are arrange marriages where the family decides whom to marry and what the girl left with the choice to obey the decision. I think if u really want to resolve the issue, young males (unmarried of course) has to take a oath that they will not take the dowry, and this is THE ONLY WAY TO REMOVE THIS DIRTY RITUAL FROM OUR COUNTRY. SO ALL SENSIBLE MEN TAKE A OATH NOT TO TAKE DOWRY.
  19. Joy Jacob

    Joy Jacob New Member


    Hi all,

    Marriage is a socially accepted custom leading to the birth of a new family. The man and wife born and brought up under different circumstances are required to share all their earnings thus far to make a successful union. It includes all cultural values and physical earnings inheritable from their respective families and communities. The girl child has the same inheritance right as the boy child. When they are married it is customery for the girl child to migrate to the family of the boy until they are in a position to support themselves independently. It is the duty of the parents of the boy and the girl to teach them enough skills to start and maintain a family of their own. The conflict arises when the demand is beyond the affordable limits of the parents. Greed for material possessions beyond the means of the parents will inevitably lead to adoption of unethical means for acquiring them and eventually turns the family life of the newly wedded couple a misery. Life would be pleasing if each one of us learn to live within our means. We must all strive to contribute more to the community than what we receive from it.

  20. Amrit.Rawal

    Amrit.Rawal New Member

    The pro-dowry conditions are also women-made besides being man-made. Dowry-craze is growing in the younger generation. They plainly say they want this or that. Education is another tool of increasing one's price. The more educated a groom is the greater is the demand for dowry as education enhances the social status of the family of both, boy or girl.


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