Donation! Are you okay with it?

Discussion in 'Education' started by khush, Apr 18, 2010.

  1. khush

    khush New Member

    How many people think that donation is not good and how mant of you think that it is just okay? Let me know your views? and please share if anyone has suffered a lot due to school college donation. and huge fees..

  2. Tigerr

    Tigerr New Member

    yes there are many people suffering from school donations. many poorer section of society are unable to afford such high amounts. i have seen cases in my school where a student whose father was a driver, couldn attend classes as the fee wasn cleared. this should be curbed by keeping a check on such schools.
  3. youthens

    youthens New Member

    Donations in education institutes are termed as capitation fees and this is also a type of corruption in my view. There are several institutions today those are run by taking high capitation fees from the students and this is ruining our education system. Donations taken by education institution is an unethical thing and needs to be stopped as it has made our education system a type of business and no proper education is imparted to the students.
  4. VandeMataram

    VandeMataram New Member

    No I am not OK with the donations system that exist today in our education system. Donation system is making the whole education system corrupt and people get degrees by paying high donations and this is decreasing the standard of our education in India. Due to this donation system, students do not take their studies seriously. Donation system is the basis of corruption that is increasing in India.
  5. Donation has gradually lead to corruption in every sector. Donation has deprived the talented and excellent students from getting their desirable jobs. Donation has also become a hindrance in development of the nation. Youths having no idea in the particular sections are getting jobs by donating officials of different organizations. As a result the minorities are deprived of getting opportunities based on their talent. A huge number of students are unemployed because of this donation. It has become curse for the meritorious people to achieve their goal. Government must take rigorous steps to demolish this demerit permanently.
  6. Shreyy

    Shreyy New Member

    The mere mention of the word donation is so irking that it reminds me of how some of my friends were harassed by colleges after passing out of high school. I have worked for a group having a chain of institutes under it. While campaigning in the education fair, I was so taken aback after I realized that education is nothing but another rising commercial sector for budding business men. I have witnessed how students are assured seats once they are ready to pay donation to a college which is sophisticatedly termed as ‘capitation fee’ by the smart administrators. In the name of assuring higher education to students (which is as rotten as the system), these colleges are loots robbing off children of their aspirations and dreams with the weapon of fear. As long as parents and students themselves don’t realize how corrupt this system is, it is never going to stop.

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