Dominant Life Values of Hindu Society

Discussion in 'Culture' started by Greatest, Jan 28, 2014.

  1. Greatest

    Greatest New Member

    The Hindu society in the course of its development has been cherishing a number of socio-cultural values. Most of these alues are either orginate or influenced by the Hindu religious beliefs and philosophy. Of the various values, five dominant ones which have exerted a tremendous influence on Hindu socio-cultural life may be stated here : 1). Truthfulness which is equated with dharma and God; 2). Non-violence that is, the principle of "Ahimsa" which means non-injury; 3). Respect for womanhood (that is, woman being considered more an embodiment of Mother Goddess than an object of beauty or enjoyment); 4). Respect for Nature and its various forms such as land, water, fire, wind, sun, moon, etc; 5). Harmony - that is , harmony between the individual and society, the material and the spiritual, actions and knowledge and finally, between the earth and heaven.

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