Does Caste Influences Enterprenuership in the Indian Society?

Discussion in 'Issues of India' started by Campus, Mar 6, 2014.

  1. Campus

    Campus New Member

    The caste system has been the oldest system of stratification of the Indian society. People have been stratified and working according to their respective castes for a long time back. There are numerous religious and social beliefs attached to the origin and implementation of castes in the Indian society, but we are not focusing up on that right now. What we intend to see here is the impact of a Caste over the occupation of the people, particularly with regard to the enterprenuership in the Indian society. To understand this concept well, we might divide it in two parts, one is the impact of the caste in urban society and secondly the impact of caste in the rural society. However, it is already a little bit cleared to us that in the urban society the effects of the caste system have been faded off to a much extent now. The social mobility has been increased within various castes in the urban areas.

    Urban Society and Enterprenuership
    People are now less rigid and reluctant towards the people of lower castes and there is much more connected and adjustments within the people of upper and lower castes. This enterprenuership is rather not affected adversely. People are just concerned with availing of facilities and services and not divert their minds towards the caste and creed of the people those who are providing those services. Enterprenuership in the urban Indian society is in fact coming up as a new option for many of the people belonging to different castes. In urban areas people have adjusted in such a way that encourages the facilitation and receiving of services, caste stratification is rather considered to be a hindrance in the way of transaction of services.

    Rural Society and Enterprenuership
    Now in the rural Indian society, caste system is still considered to be rigid in terms of transaction of services. Those who belong to lower caste do not feel; enterprenuership as a good option for themselves because they have to face a lot of restrictions from the people of upper castes. The upper caste people do not feel right to take any services from, the people of lower caste people nor they believe in any assimilation of lower castes' people in their business or enterpreneurship. The entrepreneurs of lower castes have their connections within their caste groups and communities which has now become very normal for them because they have accepted this rigidity of the caste system.

    Thus Caste system still influences Enterprenuership in the Indian society. But this rigidity in the rural areas should be reduced with the help of education and awareness.

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