Does Backwardness in India exist only in physicality?

Discussion in 'Issues of India' started by Woman, Aug 8, 2015.

  1. Woman

    Woman New Member

    For a long time now, India has witnessed backwardness in the form of groups of people who have been lagging behind in terms of materialistic factors, privileges and rights. But are we really sure about that this backwardness in India exists only in the physical form among the people? Don’t you feel that there are still numerous of people living in India whose ethos, ideologies and mentalities are truly backward? In my opinion it is true, and backwardness of thoughts and beliefs is actually a hindrance to growth and development of the country. We are still so much oppressive and violent towards our women, male dominance, crimes against women, human trafficking, communalism, regionalism; these all are the indicators of backwardness only. Till the day these phenomena would exist, we cannot truly say that we belong to a developed nation or we have developed as the mankind. This subtle backwards exists in our minds and has been ruling over them, and it can only be changed or i should say will uproot when our ideology would become liberal and free from any discrimination. When brotherhood would be realized and respect for women would increase then only the backward mentality would fade off.

    Do you agree with me guys?

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