Do You Believe in a World Government?

Discussion in 'World' started by Student, Apr 30, 2012.

  1. Student

    Student New Member

    There are issues which a national or state government cannot solve. And there comes the world government which can play a crucial role in solving those issues. Some of these international issues are: environmental issues, third world poverty, international terrorism and law, and international economics. Do you think a world government can work better in resolving these issues? Please discuss and share your views on practicalities and loopholes in this issue.

  2. Bharatiya

    Bharatiya New Member

    Probably yes. World government would have a better control over the nations and thus the issues which have no ending could be resolved by an arbitrary government like the world government. International terrorism is one big issue apart from the personal prejudices which few nations have amongst themselves. World government can successfully resolve such issues, but then the compliance of nations with the international policies which will be laid down by world government would be a major loophole. The government formed must be totally unbiased and free from corruption. If any of these two aspects prevail in the world government, there could be disasters. Agree?

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