Do the real women victims deserve contempt or support??

Discussion in 'Women' started by Priya55, Feb 16, 2010.

  1. Priya55

    Priya55 New Member

    I am here to question if few bunch of fraud women who put up false cases against their husbands and in-laws, then are all the rest women viewed from the same angle and perception???

    The genuiness of girls who are the real victims is being doubted by all today. All think that the alimony she is demanding is unjustified and unreasonable. But i want to say that think of the poor parents who spend lacs on their daughter's happiness. Do they not deserve at least a percentage of their money spent on a ship-wreck so that they could at least re-build it to some extent.

    I agree women are much educated today and its useless in waiting for court's order to provide them maintenance or alimony from husband. But this is not a question of money is a question of balance and justice. A man who is the culprit...gets all the marriage gifts, all bride's gold and belongings and cash and after mis-treating her and her parents who flooded his bank accounts, walks away smilingly proclaiming that she was the culprit therefore i cant provide her anything. And further dis-honours her respect by putting up dirty charges against her and bribing all the lawmen to escape his faults and punishment. So where is the justice being done?

    The men today are abusing women publicily whether in courts or special women forums.

    Even though if i have proofs of my husband's mis-conduct, so why does law and our fellow citizens doubt my words? Why are women treated so ruthlessly, as if we are the culprits of some sinuous crimes done to the society, even when we are the victims of the bad marriage and maltreatment?

    I will definitely lead my life well after i get out my divorce case. I will for sure one day forget all the miseries{physical and mental} i have gone through. Not even this i would like to even help other women who need help. But don't i deserve some support or advice today? Am i suppose to shut my voice and move on by abstaining myself from demanding justice? Is it easy to live with this feeling that no one believes you because there are no. of false cases prevailing so frequently?

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