A major number of Indian working women have been found to adopt smoking as a part of their lifestyle. Especially the women who work in BPO’s and social media fields according to a survey have been found to visit the pubs and night clubs frequently where they can smoke freely. They might give many other reasons for their smoking habits but the findings of the survey say that it is the depression due to which the working women are more prone to adopt smoking. There is a lot of pressure of work, then there is no quality in their lives, good communication between husband and children is lacking and this emotional turmoil turns into a frustration that is coming out in the form of rings of smoke of the cigarette. The habit of smoking in women invites many illness for them such as lung cancer, breast cancer,cervical cancer, heart strokes, breathing problems etc. Indian government has initiated awareness and counseling programs for spreading awareness among the Indian women to help them to quit the habit of smoking. Depression should be treated and managed, smoking is not at all the solution.