Delayed justice leading to grief, pain and fear in 498A cases.

Discussion in 'Women' started by Priya55, Feb 10, 2010.

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  1. Priya55

    Priya55 New Member

    Hi i am Priya. I reside in Rookee,Uttranchal. I got married in Feb 2007. But unfortunately my marriage finally came to an end after one year. The main reason was repeated demands of huge cash or a flat in Delhi with a luxury car. But i belong to a middle class family so my parents could not fulfill my husbands and his family's demands. All this led to their frustration and anger to such an extent that they brutally beated me up, insulted and gave severe dirty abuses. My husband had several times thrown me out of the house with a threat to get me murdered soon.

    I filed a divorce petition under section 13 in april 2008. But in nov 2009 in some corner of the court his family members assaulted ma father physically n threatened to close the case...So after seeking proper advice we filed a FIR with reference to past records of husband and in-laws behaviour with me. Then after filing FIR they had sent some man 2-3 times to my father to threaten him to face horrible consequences if I do not withdraw the FIR. But i did not because i want to fight for my rights.

    The husband's family had then fooled us by saying that they are ready to mutually agree n close the case. They agreed to pay me 12lacs and my belongings. But they refused to return all of my gold.. i still accepted the deal. But later we came to know that they were just buying time for filing quashing of FIR to high court. So they finally got the stay order.

    Now the situation is...due to their expert lawyers...the section 13 case didn't start at all. The proceedings have begun now after 2 years in jan2010. In criminal case the charge sheet has been filed by the police in first week of Feb 2010(acc. to my knowledge). The husband is saying if he gets arrested now he wont give me a single penny for my permanent alimony.
    I am not working right now because i don't want to go out and meet people. I have withdrawn myself from society. And entire burden of my maintenance and court fees has come on my parents. So i want my alimony. I have filed for a guinuine amount of 15lacs with all my gold and belongings.

    Now i dont know what will happen now in both the cases...whatever lawyers we hire...they bribe them.
    I am in severe depression because i am not getting justice from anywhere. nobody is helping me. I am all the time in fear what if they get me or family murdered or do some harm to them.

    Kindly provide guidance and help.
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2010

  2. adrenalin

    adrenalin New Member

    I am so sorry to hear about your plight!

    The very first step that you should take is talk to Media. Indian media (though a little irresponsible) should be able to help you. Remember, once you are on TV, no one can harm you or your family. Disclose everything to News Channels(Times Now, CNN-IBN, NDTV 24x7).

    Through the medium of Media, request GoI(Government of India) to help you out. I would advise you to personally request help from the Home Minister (Mr. Chidambaram), he is a capable and honest guy, but do it through Media.

    And lastly, 15 Lacs is less, for all the abuse and physical torture you have suffered, you can and should always ask for more.

    Sorry to say, but men like your husband are a parasite to society.
  3. vj_498

    vj_498 New Member


    i agree if that is the real culprits are your in laws,they should be punished.but unfortunately law takes it sweet times.

    Please clarify who advised you to file 498a case against in laws ( you are 26 yrs ,now wherever you want to marry this tag will of 498a girl will remain with u and

    be assured if your husband side are really don't want to settle you will have tough time

    why do you want their dirty money (is it not now reverse dowry) .you seems to be educated & go earn

    please try for mutual divorce through mediators otherwise both party will keep running for another 5-7 years.

    in any another help ,please let me know


  4. Priya55

    Priya55 New Member

    Hi Vikas,

    Thank you for ur response. I ve tried for the mutual divorce even..asking them no penny at all..but they r saying...we will take u to ashes. Actually my husband is not even attending the court proceedings...his parents are dealing everything whether it was marriage or divorce. otherwise i could ve sat and had a talk with him.

    All think that 498A girls are bad. So that is wise i dint file it earlier..But now i filed 498a for our safety and not for any other wrong intentions because we had no other options. His uncle and father hit my father last november. Not even this they had sent some political notorious men to my father's shop to threat him to kill or shoot..My husband has even tried to hit my mother in early days of marriage.
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2010
  5. Priya55

    Priya55 New Member

    Hi friend,

    Thank you for ur response Adrenalin.
    Actually i m a very timid girl. Contacting media means dealing with more harassment. The media will highlight the case for few days...get its gud TRP n then vanish.....ultimately the victim like me...are left with no solutions. All we get finally is public embarassment. They think 498A girls are bad. But we filed 498a for our safety and not for any other wrong intentions.

    I just want to finish the case so that i dont go more into depression. I dont even want their money. The issue i m facing is...if i now withdraw the cases..they will feel as if i was guilty that is wise i stepped back. Its no more a question of divorce or alimony ..its question of justice and being fair. I ve been fighting actively with strength, confidence and will to attain my rights but they are not ready to co-operate at all. Not even did they hit my father 2 months ago. Also now they r putting dirty blames on that i give up n get defamed by soceity so that they cud prove their point that i was wrong.
  6. adrenalin

    adrenalin New Member

    If you think, your going to the media would make you socially unacceptable, so be it! If you don't fight for yourself, who will?

    Society doesn't respect the meek and surrender to the beast.

    Go on now, nail the coffin!!!
    All the best!!!
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2010
  7. adrenalin

    adrenalin New Member

    No one thinks women filing 498A are bad. If some people really do think that way, it should not matter to you. You are the best person to decide what is good for yourself. Let no one else decide your fate! Take control.

    Media is a good way to put your case in front of the world in a minute. You should definitely talk to the media. And times have changed, I'll tell you we have some of the best Ministers serving in Cabinet.

    Be brave! Your husband has only to gain if you do not fight him in a court of law or you slipping into a depression. Why give him undue advantage?
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2010
  8. Priya55

    Priya55 New Member

    Hi Adrenalin

    Thanks a lot friend. You have really motivated me a lot. I ll keep all your advices in mind. Yes i will fight further. My father just taught me a few days back ---if i give up now...then this habit will become my recurring pattern of running away from difficulties. So i got to fight not for myself but for my parents, friends n advisers like u and yes of course for all the women who tend to loose confidence in demanding their fair justice. Take care Adrenalin.
  9. adrenalin

    adrenalin New Member

    Happy to Help. You too take care :)
  10. good game priya

    Priya, do you really beleive people in this site are fools to believe everything you mentioned in your post here?????

    1) For a start, are you telling someone beat up your father "in some corner of the court". do you want us to beleive that??? Outside the court i can agree never inside the court. No one has the guts to beat anyone inside the court room. so please dont lie.

    2) Ok you say they beaten u up. do you have any medical records from hospital. for example if someone beats me up the first place i will go to is a hospital. here i would not like to infer anything against or in your favor as i dont know. If you have a medical record then yes if not then no.

    3) now, you claim you and your father was beaten up, now why dont you file a case against them for atempted murder or other sections of IPC ther are so many WHY a 498a case??? That is becasue you know that once you cry in the police station things come in your favor isint it?? file a case against them for attempted murder NOT 498A. beating anyone is not 498A is attempted murder under IPC.

    4) Now if you are fair why dont you say to your husbands side-- Ok i am a girl and i consider myself equal to men ( which most girls think which i dont object but then they should take responsibilities like men do) so lets do this. give me back only my jewellery we will apply for mutual concent divorce, all costs for the divorce will be split 50:50, and marriage expence my parents have spent and your parents have spent lets split it 50:50.

    5) you are a smart girl why dont you start working?????? and support yourself, is your husband asking money from you to support him?????

    well the way i look at it he has money and possibly political and legal support so he is using that to save himself, whats wrong in that??? you want the cake and want to eat it yourself, well my friend it doesnt work that way, he is good he offered you 12 lacks, i would have offered or given nothing. on teh other hand i woudl have filed a defemation case.
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