Definition of An Indian

Discussion in 'India' started by sharad shah, Mar 29, 2009.

  1. sharad shah

    sharad shah New Member

    In my view, India is not a piece of land mentioned in the world atlas.

    India is a land where any an Indian is staying and breathing the air.Similarly Indian is not a man from India, which is shown in the world map.

    But the true Indian is a human in real sense, who accepts the other as an individual and immensely love him/her irrespective of his/her cast and creed. And every true Indian must feel proud, as very few humans are left on this earth. It is now one of the rare species. If you are so be proud of it. To be an Indian is an achievement after the reformation process in which all hatreds and anger burns out and only love exist.

    Jai Bharat !

  2. Raajesh.Grp.member

    Raajesh.Grp.member New Member

    Bharat = Bha + Ra + T
    Bha = Bhav ( Expressions)
    Ra = Rag (Symphony of music)
    T = Taal (Beats amongst Indians)

    Shakespeare said, "Call Rose flower by any other name, it will smell same sweat".

    On same analogy call Bharat as "Hindustan" or "India", it's essence remains same, of =(Bhava + Raga + Taal).

    Rajesh Srivastava

    "I am in Bharat and Bharat is in me"
  3. IamanINDIAN

    IamanINDIAN New Member

    India is India to me and it's definition has now become far more complex than just signifying that its a term coined from Indus river as the valleys around it were once home to early indian civilizations. India now defines a sub continent with huge diversity in geographical locations, people, culture, traditions, way of living, food and spiritualism. A country like none other in this world, is what India is!
  4. traveller

    traveller New Member

    The sub-continent India is a nation with diversities of various kinds. Indians are the citizens of India. Indians in the real sense are the citizens who values the age-old rich culture and traditions of the land. One who is proud to be an Indian and like the land, offers warmth, love, affection and a sense of belongingness.

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