Death of Communism in India

Discussion in 'Politics & Society' started by Youth, Jan 18, 2010.

  1. Youth

    Youth Moderator

    India may have to wait for a long time to get a communist leader like Jyoti Basu. Perhaps no leader will be ever be able to be the chief minister of any state consecutively for such a long time. The political tactics that he applied to maintain the supremacy of communist party in Wes Bengal is praiseworthy.

    However, the success story lies in the progress of West Bengal . Progress of West Bengal remains a matter of debate. Calcutta used to be the number 1 city in India . And now it does not come even at the number 4. But the supporters of the communism are of the view hat the progress of a city or a state is not measured by industries and the high rise buildings. Progress depends on the lives of the common people. It’s a fact that an ordinary person can lead a normal lifestyle in Calcutta with the minimum wealth. The cost of living is surprisingly low making it one of the most affordable cities in India . The supporters of Jyoti Basu and communism want to project it as the success of communist rule. On the other hand, the other section of society projects the closure of the industries in Calcutta and term it as a set back in the path of progress.

    We would like to say that communism has to be indianized to make it more applicable in India . As China is progressing with its own type of communism, a similar type of changes is required to make it suitable for India . May one more Jyoti Basu takes birth to change the history of communism in India ! Any comments from the politically conscious citizens?

  2. karanthegreat

    karanthegreat New Member

    He was a great personality with some awesome determination.. He not only established communism in the state also removed the communalism thinking from the minds of so many people in West Bengal. India will really have to wait long enough to gain an individual like him.
  3. warrior

    warrior New Member

    End of an era

    The CPI (M) has been ruling West Bengal for the last 32 years. Jyoti Basu had been a real mascot of the communist party and under his able leadership communism had reach greater heights in India. His death will definitely have an impact on the general state of affairs as is already showing on in the political arena in west Bengal.
  4. Suryavanshi

    Suryavanshi New Member

    The meaning of communism and it application will vary from country to country. However the basic meaning of this is equality over rights, power, wealth and caste. India in early days did fought for communism, but somehow it never came into force. Somewhere this concept can act as both blessing and curse for our country. Since its principle is to provide equality to all, it will surely help everybody have a better lifestyle, where this can certainly act in pulling lot of Indian citizens above the poverty line, but then again it can also pull lot of wealthy people down. On the other hand it will surely help everyone to work and earn, but there are possibilities that a hard working people is less rewarded. The biggest problem with communism is many time government uses this to lead the way to dictatorship. Therefore looking at the present Indian condition, implementation of communism can only work effectively if it is reformed in such a way, where its negativities are eliminated or else if it fall in wrong hand this will lead to much worst conditions.

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