Dear Youth Kindly Channelize Your Agony In a Right Way

Discussion in 'India' started by Woman, Nov 24, 2013.

  1. Woman

    Woman New Member

    "I will not Vote".. "my Vote will go in vain, as always", "my vote will not bring any change in the corrupted Government".. these are the statements which some of the people among the Indian Youth usually make, when the Voting time is about to come. we know that we Indians are now, totally filled up to the edge!! and we truly wish to reshuffle the whole system, in fact we want an entirely new governance. and this frustration is often seen at the time of voting when many people do not Vote and feel that their vote cannot bring any change in the system. but if everyone will begin to think in this way then the Change would certainly be impossible. Indian Youth is the future of the country and they are the only hope of the country because it is only them who can bring the change at large and possess the ability to utilize their potential and caliber in a positive way. in fact it is the duty of the many educated and knowledgeable people from the youth who should come forward in order to encourage the other people to make the righteous use of their frustration and agony. it is the time to be united and to constructively use the anger lying within. by not voting the youth certainly be not able to bring any improvement which they truly wish for. but yes! by making the use of their Precious Vote they will realize their dream of a better nation one day for sure! every bad day has an end and every next day has a new beginning thus the youth should also feel positive about their voting power, they have the power, when every single drop makes the ocean likewise every single vote can bring a change in the governance of the country. therefore, dear Youth utilize your anger in the right manner, ceasing the vote is easy but realizing the power of you Vote and using the same in the way of improving the governance is much more appreciable at the part of the Youth!

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