Cultural Effect and Problems of the Tribal People due to the contact with Civilization

Discussion in 'Issues of India' started by Campus, Mar 6, 2014.

  1. Campus

    Campus New Member

    Tribal people are the most primitive inhabitants of India. The contact with civilization had brought about a series of changes in the tribal areas and also in the tribal way of life. At the same time this contact, has been responsible for some of the tribal discomforts and disadvantages. Those are the following :

    1. The excise laws of the government in the primitive areas are hitting them hard. This policy has led to an increase of drunkenness and immorality in the tribal areas. The government is accused of making money by these means. Liquor has become cheap and the tribal people who had been preparing it in their own way find it now highly uneconomic to do so. This has led to their economic downfall and misery.

    2. The displacement of the tribal officers by those who are nominated by the state for administrative efficiency has disorganized the tribal life in various ways. These young officers from outside show scant respect to the tribal way of life. Values, morals and culture. Tribal people have found it extremely difficult to accept these young officers as their own.

    3. Marriage by capture practiced amongst the primitive tribes is often treated as abduction and the offenders are punished under the provision of the Indian Penal Code. The primitives have been prevented from practicing this type of marriage, which used to help them to escape from the clutches of the practice of the heavy bride price.

    4. Tribal ceremonies, festivals and dances have been replaced or superseded by fairs and weekly markets which attract the people by their novelty, but ultimately bring about financial ruin.

    5. The system of education which has been introduced in the tribal areas, either through the missionary either through the missionary efforts or by the local government, is mostly unsuited to their life and ideals. The tribal people have not completely realized the relevance and the importance of these new types of education.

    6. Tribal customs and practices are often at variance with the complicated system of law and legal procedure. Hence, the tribal people have to suffer and endure discomfort due to the fact that the judges and magistrate who never knew the language, customs and mentality of the tribal people are to give judgements many a times against the tribal spirit.

    7. Missionary influence has not been all the while good as far as the tribal people are concerned. The new converts to Christianity who started despising the tribal way of life have disturbed the traditionalists.

    8. Finally, the occurrence of the diseases, through the contact with especially the foreigners, has invaded the security of the tribal life. The medical aid available is too insignificant to cope with the situation.

    Thus the contact of the tribal people with the civilization has brought them some good things, it has also led to the new cultural problems, anxieties and challenges.

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