Creating Havoc Over Cultural Changes : Let people decide what is ethical or not?

Discussion in 'Culture' started by Greatest, Feb 18, 2014.

  1. Greatest

    Greatest New Member

    Indian cultural dogmas have gone through a long journey and it is also true for that that each one of us have understood them in our own terms. After all it is the person's own apprehension and actions that signify the culture in its real terms. People understand the references of any culture and then it is up to them that how do they implement and complement that culture. Every culture involves changes and experiments, in fact, it is believed that a culture evolves through the ages of civilization. There is no one who can impose a culture on anyone else, ultimately it is only individual's own choice to recommend or discard any culture that determines its life and validation. So when if there any changes taking place in the cultural patterns of any religion/group/community/state, then why a few groups of people immediately rebel in order to instruct the people or to obstruct that very transformation? Such groups of people in the name of rescuing the name, dignity and religious beliefs of their culture try to become over obsessed and create an unwanted havoc in the society that is most of the times not pleasing to others. They protest, they refuse, they fight and finally create a mess for the society. They try to become the protector of their own cultural identity, but they forget that they have no right to create such a mess for the other people of the society, people know very well what to follow or what not to. So let the people decide what is ethical for them or not, nevertheless it is not the case that temporary havocs might change the minds of the people and they would begin to believe what those aggressors are trying to project.

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