Copenhagen -- latest on climate issue

Discussion in 'World' started by Kr1shn4, Dec 17, 2009.

  1. Kr1shn4

    Kr1shn4 New Member

    The so called new climate project from America presented by Barack Obama, isn't actually different from the one presented by George Bush. It again remains the world's highest polluter, and expects from developing economies like India and China for reduction in emissions!:mad:

  2. Vinipathak

    Vinipathak New Member

    Absolutely RIGHT I think America is behaving like a bully now.
    Will someone plzz show him a mirror. does America always believe in destruction. He must understand that Environmental problems are the major issue now even bigger than recession!!!!!:mad:
  3. navendu.mahodaya

    navendu.mahodaya New Member

    Copenhagen conference has brought out some very interesting facets of Global Warming. Handling this issue is like- setting up a desalination plant in the high seas to convert all the sea water in to soft water. There is more salt in the sea than any desalination plant can remove from the sea water.

    First of all, to emit more Carbon i.e. carbon dioxide is the main occupation of the human race. We have made it such an important & dignified activity. Every year we spend more money on the fuels & energy. We marvel in the idea- "Today's middle class is enjoying more luxuries than the Royalty some two centuries ago did!" To have a car for every family member is now every family's dream. To have a Television in every room and a computer on every desk is a new status symbol. Many Television channels that were covering Copenhagen Show, if you will, were also showing a commercial that if you were to buy a car now, you would also get the insurance FREE. Not only are we burning more carbon with pride, we are continually making it easier for Humans to emit more carbon. It is like spreading swine flu virus and saying hospitalization is free. Carbon emission has assumed the dimension of conspicuous consumption. There's is no end in sight. There is no air about reversal of any trend.

    I think, all this talk about coastal cities submerging is gladdening hearts of corporate planners who have to constantly work on their respective 100 year business plan. That being so, a new scenario seems to be emerging-

    The construction companies will do a roaring business of building walls to prevent water from entering the cities. More steel, cement, machines and man power will be required.

    Rich can take refuge in the colonies to be set up on the Moon and some other such terrestrial colonies. New types of space ships would be needed- some to transport materials and others to transport humans and their pet animals.

    Accounting firms, software firms must be busy planning the service requirements of such new economic streams.

    Health-care specialists must be busy trying to evolve what sort of packages could be in demand in such an eventualities.

    Insurance companies may have suspended Christmas holidays of their actuary section to come up with new risk cover and patent those before others could do so.

    Entertainment industry wizards must be contemplating the such new-age entertainment that may be delivered directly to the minds of individuals.

    Telecommunication tycoons must be busy figuring out the scenario that may evolve as a result of 3 to 4 degree Celsius rise in earth's temperature and what sort of plans packages would the consumer want?

    Education sector must be working out training needs of humans in such an eventuality.

    At present, only people worried could be the Air-conditioning Industry people as the 3 - 4 degree rise in temperature actually does not significantly change their business prospects, or does it?

    Every one is assuming that I can easily endure such rise of temperature, "Am I not already facing that sort of heat?" And rest is a business opportunity for some and employment opportunity for others. When every facet you examine, a business interest can be tied to it, so who would take any steps to give up what they have today.
    Isn't the world spending a lot of good money to and emitting huge amounts of carbon in gathering the world's Royalty for a holiday in Copenhagen?

    In short, people are busy making money defying the covenants of Kyoto Protocol and there is more money to be made when the temperatures actually rise.

    Cheer up guys! It calls for a party. Some recently had one at Copenhagen and as to the rest, the party time is only a few days away.

    Clarity and change have taken a back seat for we fear that clarity will make us a villain and change will destroy the status we currently enjoy.

    Actually in matter of Climate; Carbon; Copenhagen; Clarity & Change: Everything's a Challenge! & Opportunity too! Dare to find and prosper from it!

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