Competetion right from childhood- Is good or Bad?

Discussion in 'Education' started by Abhijit Padihari, Mar 2, 2013.

  1. Abhijit Padihari

    Abhijit Padihari New Member

    During this particular phase of life a child undergoes innumerable changes both mentally and physically. The current state of affairs, states that a child is taught to handle stress at this very phase of life. Competition has always been an integral part of this phase. Children are never born with the attitude to face competition, with due course of time they learn to handle the competition and stress in the sphere of life.

    Winning should not be the main goal, trying and the attitude to accept failure should be highlighted.

  2. Bharatiya

    Bharatiya New Member

    I think the complete system of competition is absurd. Although its inevitable that such a thing would take place because of the booming population, education authorities should try to bring in new models of education at school level wherein students are made to learn in free mind. Life of the human is made so hectic that even kids don't get adequate time to live their life! What's your take on this?
  3. Abhijit Padihari

    Abhijit Padihari New Member

    But in ma view competition is very important in India, as its a developing country and if we don't strengthen the childhood period, which is the most sensitive period of a growing life; d child can be shuffle from the way. So in my view we sud tighten them during childhood by competition
  4. kushy

    kushy New Member

    Competition is must in every field to grow high oneself if not one will feel that he will be only the best.But comparison should not be there.It effects ones feeling.
  5. Bharatiya

    Bharatiya New Member

    If you make a child compete right from the childhood you suppress the open mindedness of the child. In India we only teach students to prepare for exams by reading the books. There are no real time teaching with live examples. Students are not given free choice to opt for their courses. All we have is engineering, medicine and management. The road ends with these three major streams and students feel dejected if they dont make up in these fields. Don't think competition is hampering the open-learning of children?
  6. Satabdi Roy

    Satabdi Roy New Member

    Competitions are thought to be progressive for a being. But to what an extent its legitimacy is maintained is the question of priority. Now a days, the competitions have been turned into survival wars. The extend of competition matters a lot. In reality it enhances their thinking power and lets one know the original spot of his in this competitive world. On the other hand, winning exactly does not build a child’s character rather it makes one gloat temporarily. There is a chance of building up a sense of obsession for winning among the kids too. This lust of competition deprives kids from attaining cooperation, togetherness and teamwork spirit. Thus every action has to be carried out in a balanced manner.
  7. Competition plays important role to spur students to achieve success and win in this tough world. But competition must never lead to high stress, resulting in depression. Children at a tender age participate in different activities just to win rather than enjoying them. Even parents must understand the burden of children and teach them to be focused and not be revenge minded. Sometimes the attitude of winning makes them abhorrent such that they don’t differentiate between winning and losing a game. They just keep trying to take revenge and ruin their own future and carrier. Competition should be very smooth and should not be offensive.
  8. Kritiquesays

    Kritiquesays New Member

    Childhood is a time when the children do not understand the pros and cons of their actions. It is also a time when they should be let free to enjoy, play games and learn to relish the beauty of the little things in life.

    If they are put in a competitive environment, they might become stressed out. They might also become aggressive and intolerant to someone else's victory. They might resort to unethical means to prove themselves and become bullies
  9. Shreyy

    Shreyy New Member

    You know what is the problem here? Our 'understanding' of the term competition. Children of modern age are becoming so aggressive towards success which is why they're losing their individuality in the process. According to me, competition is a war, a constant SELF-struggle between what we were and what we aspire to be. Why are we as students not sensitized from an early age that we need to fight not others but the best of our previous selves? The whole education system is injected with a wrong sense of the term and there are parents who just contribute more. Why should a parent make their children feel inferior, or any less than others?
    When conversations are like, "Why could you not get more than X" instead of,"Why could you not score better than the last time" - you just know where the problem lies.

    Concepts are savage. Evolution if the same is our duty.

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