Cloud Atlas is a new book by the author of The Thousand Autumns of Jacob De Zoet. This is another amazing Novel by the author which is about a unwilling voyager crossing the Pacific in 1850 of 6 different people one of whom is a disowned composer pursing an insecure livelihood in between-the-wars Belgium, a high-minded journalist in Governor Reagans California, a proud publisher escaping from his underworld creditors, a hereditarily tailored dinner server on death-row, and Zachry, a young Pacific Islander viewing the nightfall of science and civilization. The storytellers of Cloud Atlas hear each others reverberations down the strip of history and their destinies are changed in great and small ways. In this novel the author wipea away the boundaries of language, genus and time to present a thought on humanity's dodgy will for power, and where it may lead us to. This book was nominated for Man Booker Prize 2004 and is famous among all book lovers as well as novelist.