Civil Nuclear Deals

Discussion in 'World' started by Junoon, Aug 19, 2010.

  1. Junoon

    Junoon New Member

    Nuclear deals between two countries can be of extreme significance but it doesn’t concern the people at large. This particular aspect of diplomatic negotiation became popular during the indo-us non-proliferation treaty. The news became glamorous and attracted many eyeballs. The media at large covered the issue extensively and gave the issue a much needed drive. It was hugely significant deal from India’s perspective and we saw our PM went the extra mile to see to it that the deal would materialize, even to the extent of risking his government (UPA 2004-2009), which was at the verge of collapse.

    But Indian Prime Minister Singh stood by his conviction and saw through a deal which put India at a global platform, with many other international super powers including USA. It meant India as a nation would be fully eligible to use U.S nuclear technology, which includes equipment and material used to reprocess plutonium and enrich uranium, basically having access to the formula (equations) of creating nuclear bombs and would also get imported fuel for the functioning of nuclear reactors. It was back in October 2008, but recently, June 2010, India has managed a breakthrough civil nuclear deal and has signed a civil nuclear co operation agreement with Canada. PM Singh, who made the trip to Canada first time, as the head of the state since 16years, last visit was made by I. K. GUJRAL.

    The agreement is a hugely significant one, as it underlines the need for cooperation in civil nuclear energies which includes import nuclear equipments and substances from Canada. The nuclear treaty also envisages help and mutual cooperation during the times of need and in the important areas like the radiation safety and waste management of nuclear substances. This treaty is highly significant as Canada, who has always shown strong attitude, was a premier nation to slap sanction on Indian nation after the two nuclear tests in POKHRAN, once in 1974 and second time in 1998

  2. Tigerr

    Tigerr New Member

    civil nuclear deal

    the civil nuclear deal between india and US is a great effort taken up by our prime minister mr.singh. it was well caught after the offer was made by the US. prior to the deal many other thoughts were given to see if it had any cons. but it is indeed a good step as this would enable india to use advanced nuclear technology which US is offering to india
  3. IReporter

    IReporter New Member

    India, France signed nuclear power deal

    India & France has signed an agreement on 6th of december to build 2 nuclear power plants in India as President of France Nicolas Sarkozy worked hard to drum up business for France during his 4-day India visit.

    French nuclear power companies Areva SA will build 2 European pressurized reactors of 1650 megawatts each in Maharashtra at Jaitapur.

    The Nuclear agreement, valued at about $9.3 billion, was signed in the presence of France's President Sarkozy and PM Manmohan Singh.

    The Nuke deal marked the first two of 20 nuclear reactors India wants to build to meet its soaring energy demand.

    Manmohan Singh and Sarkozy later met to discuss regional security, Investment and trade.

    France's President Sarkozy, arrived on Saturday, is accompanied by his defence, finance and foreign ministers and nearly sixty business leaders.

    French defence companies are negotiating to upgrade 51 Mirage2000 fighter planes in the IAF. India is also in the market to buy 126 fighter jets, MRCA deal worth $11 billion, and about Two hundred helicopters worth another $4 billion.

    Acco to defence experts, India is Going to spend approx $80 billion between 2012 and 2022 to upgrade its military.

    Source : Times of India
  4. myopinion

    myopinion New Member

    nuclear energy and nuclear power, though are synonymous terms, still one can decode different messages from the two terms, as using nuclear power for deriving energy can be as good as bad it can be if used as a threat for rival countries.
    India's nuke deal with America can turn out to be a global advantage, provided both the nations stay loyal to the pact and to each other.
  5. Idiotbox

    Idiotbox New Member

    india is a nation which is still developing. it does not have adequate technology to meet the growing demands of the nation. in such a case it needs to deploy upgraded technology such as nuclear energy which is highly efficient. signing civil nuclear deals with nations like US will help india to develop domestic energy sources and boost its growth.
  6. R2India

    R2India New Member

    in my view india has done a good thing joining hands with US for nuclear supply energy. to meet the existing demands of developing nation like india, only nuclear energy can compensate substantially for the other sources of energy are not eco friendly and cannot be used putting the natural resources at stake.

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