China preparing for cyber warfare

Discussion in 'World' started by ravi.khatri, Nov 2, 2009.

  1. ravi.khatri

    ravi.khatri New Member

    Former diplomat G Parthsarathy said on Saturday that India’s neighbour China not only has evil designs in India’s backyard and Indian Ocean region but it is also preparing for cyber warfare.

    Delivering a public lecture on ‘Challenges from China and Pakistan’ organised by the Gujarat Media Club (GMC), Parthasarathy suggested that the Indian Government should deal with China maturely and sensibly as dangers from China are multi-dimensional.

    He also urged media not to go overboard and force the Government to do what it should not in the matter of foreign affairs. Parthasarathy, who was India’s High Commissioner to Pakistan at the time of hijacking of the Indian Airlines plane to Kandahar in 1999, said that the crisis could have been solved without releasing the terrorists had the country and media displayed some patience for three or four more days.

    Elaborating on the growing nexus between India’s two neighbours, Parthasarathy said that China’s policy is to keep India bogged down with Pakistan. He said that Pakistan’s nuclear weapon programme is fully supported by China. Parthasarathy revealed that China has provided designs for nuclear weapons as well as Plutonium reactors to Pakistan.

    India’s candidature in the United Nations’ Security Council (UNSC) was also sabotaged by the joint efforts of Pakistan and China working behind the scene, the former diplomat said, underlining the nexus between the two in their anti-India stance. Parthasarathy commended Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’s firm stand in allowing Dalai Lama to visit Arunachal Pradesh. “The Prime Minister did the right thing by permitting Dalai Lama to visit Tawang. This is the way China should be dealt with,” declared the former diplomat who has held numerous important postings dealing with foreign affairs.

    Talking about the futility of US administration dealing with civilian leaders in Pakistan, Parthasarathy said that the real power in Pakistan lies with the military. “There is no point in talking to civilian administration in Pakistan as the real power is with the military,” he said.

    The former diplomat said that Pakistan is now the “most weapon-equipped society in the world”. Parthasarathy suggested that India should deal firmly with the Pakistani administration but promote goodwill among the people by granting more visas for social, family and cultural ties.

    This gesture, he said, enhances India’s image among Pakistanis who may in turn put pressure on their administration to tone down the country’s anti-India stance.

    source : Daily Pioneer

  2. ozgo12

    ozgo12 New Member

    It's joking

    They lacks this ability, I believe. They are always boasting a lot but can do a little. They lose their credit in so many cases. Besides, we will do better than them in a near future.

  3. adrenalin

    adrenalin New Member

    Nah! The only one thing Chinese are good at: espionage, be it through militarily, politically or through cyber space.

    Read this:

    Oh! and they are good at reverse engineering too. Within a day of iPhone's release, fake iPhones flooded markets in China.

    As regards to post #1, they are prepared. They are target practicing now. The outcome of the next WW will be primarily based upon effective cyber espionage.
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2009

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