China Pakistan Nexus against India

Discussion in 'Foreign Relations' started by priyanka.sinha, Jun 22, 2011.

  1. priyanka.sinha

    priyanka.sinha New Member

    Pakistan and China are India’s closest neighbors and share a common boundary with India. China has always looked to attack India from the north eastern side along the borders of Arunachal Pradesh, while Pakistan has continuously troubled the northern borders of Kashmir along the Line of Control. All the rulers of Pakistan have expressed to sort out tension between the two nations. In public speeches they talk of resolving matters but in reality they simply want to crush the Indians. They have always been such a menace to the world. China on the other hand is a constant threat to India ever since the 1962 war which India lost badly because of the wrong policies of india's First Prime Minister Jawahar Lal nehru. Ever since then the growing power of China has not only threatened India but the entire world. China and Pakistan share a very good relation among each other and both are Anti-India.

    China and Pakistan share a very brotherly relation. They have always united against India in the past, and they may do so in future. It is not unknown to anyone that there are constant threats of a nuclear war from Pakistan. China and Pakistan are together and they help each other in Defence and Technology sharing.

    In recent times Chinese activities has increased in the parts of Kashmir occupied by Pakistan and at India-China Border new Arunachal Pradesh. China has always played the smart game by not coming to the front and thus maintaining a good reputation in the world. What they do is attack from behind the shoulders of Pakistan who hardly care of their reputation in the world. China provides high tech weapons and economical support to Pakistan in order to train and make terrorists who can be used as the weapons of destruction against India.

    India wants to have good relations with China and Pakistan but it seems our neighbors are not interested !

  2. Leader

    Leader New Member

    though china and Pakistan shares common boundary with India but they do share one more thing common with India that is "animosity". there was history of long drawn wars between India and these two countries. any kind of nexus between these two countries going to multiple India's problems and harm peace and integrity of India. though India's firm belief in no first strike doctrine and peaceful coexistence of all gathered much support and appreciation from other western countries but these two formidable enemies are not letting any stone unturned to aggravate India.
  3. Greatindia

    Greatindia New Member

    yes, i agree that somewhere lies little bitterness with these two nations as both are not very keen on settling things up with india. pakistan on the other hand promises to improve the conditions and relations but then turns away from fulfilling it. this shows that it is not interested to have good relations with india. so is the case with china which also restricts to improve any relations with india.
  4. Leader

    Leader New Member

    Yea both these countries are very eager to grab a chance and lay their hands on our country. According to some reports, china is a financial support to Pakistan to start and attack on India. China becoming one of the developed countries they don’t want to create a global war.
  5. rekhagupta

    rekhagupta New Member

    India government is very aware of this issue. It’s not a joke Pakistan and china both has enmity towards India. China becoming one of the powerful countries they are just waiting for a reason to start a war against India. Where as Pakistanis are always a fox behind the bush.
  6. culture

    culture New Member

    China Pakistan nexus could prove to be fatal to Indian territory as both the nations have anti-indian agenda. India should recognize the grave attention this situation needs and act accordingly by strengthening the border security forces and keep a strong vigil on the activities of both the nations.

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