Chhavi Rajawat - A proud Indian Girl who Gave Up Everything For her Village

Discussion in 'Inspiring' started by ILoveindia, Feb 19, 2015.

  1. ILoveindia

    ILoveindia New Member

    Chhavi Rajawat had everything one could think of but she was not satisfied, She wanted to do something better for India.

    M.B.A, BIMM Pune graduate, a tag for which one would lock himself up for over year in a room. A high Profile corporate jobs in companies such as Times of India, Carlson Group of Hotels, Airtel, etc with money written all over it but She didn't feel quite right about it. So She left her job, came back to her village Soda, 60km from Jaipur,India. and she worked for development of Soda village.

    Today, she is the Sarpanch (elected head of the Village Council) in Soda village, Tonk district, Rajasthan. She is not affiliated to any political party.She may be the first woman Sarpanch in India with an MBA degree. After becoming the Sarpanch of the village, she has implemented many projects successfully i.e. rain water harvesting, toilets facilities in all the houses,
    concrete roads and 24x7 electricity etc.

    • She banned Alcohol and dowry practice in her village.
    • Improved the condition of government schools and hospital.
    • she took initiative against child labour
    • Her aim is to make her village 100 percent educated.
    • Her village is recognized as one of the finest village in the world.

    She says she's paying her debt to the village she grew up in. Her message for the youth of India:

    she was honored by former President of India APJ Abdul Kalam ji at the Technology Day function at New Delhi. She left behind corporate glamour and city life,she went back to her village Soda to help develop rural India. She is the real youth icon for Youngsters. She isn't a celebrity, she is an ordinarily human with extraordinary compassion.

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