Causes, Symptoms and Treatment of Migraine

Discussion in 'Health' started by Campus, Mar 14, 2014.

  1. Campus

    Campus New Member


    Migraine is basically a very complex physical disorder in which the sufferer suffers from a severe headache. In Migraine pain the blood vessels around the brain tend to get contracts or hyperactive due to the fluctuation in the balance of the body chemical; known as Serotonin. A reduced level of serotonin causes the blood vessels of the brain to contract/swell/ become hyperactive, which further causes intense pain in the head. Usually women and young girls are found to be suffering from this disorder to a major extent. This pain might last for 7 to 48 hours.


    However, till now the medical practitioners find it difficult to determine the exact reasons for this headache since the causes are many and it is usually a triggered pain. Following are the causes of migraine.

    1.Familial hemiplegic migraine: it is basically a genetic migraine that could run in the lineage of families.

    2.Menopause and Hormonal Disorders: This pain generally takes place during the menstrual time or when there are disturbed periods. In the menopause the period cycle stops that causes many of the physical problems for the women and migraine pain is one of them.

    3.Triggers: There are certain food items that can cause migraine pain and act as the trigger food items such as; Tabaco, alcohol, chocolate, pickles/fermented food, smoking, caffeine, aspartame, certain medicines/medications, contraceptive pills and monosodium glumate (MSG). Then there are a few of the environmental triggers as well, such as; bright light, strong fragrances or odour, loud music/noise, extreme exposure to sunlight, chilling weather, high consumption of chemical substances.

    4.Disturbed lifestyle: A disturbed and stressful lifestyle is the main trigger for causing stress and migraine pain. Those who lack in sleep and rest, miss their meals, fasting, keep the stomach empty for long hours, prone to gastritis and constipation; tend to feel migraine pains. Excessive physical activity can also make one restless and stressful.


    Migraine pain might last for long hours and they quite different from the usual headaches that are caused by little stress/tension. It usually happens on the one side of the head or in the central part of the skull. The symptoms of migraine pains are as follows:

    1. Vision disturbances sometimes with temporary blind spot, blurred vision, seeing zigzag lines or stars, or tunnel vision.Complaints of eye pain.
    2. Dizziness, Nausea and extreme Yawning.
    3. Concentration problem, the sufferer might complain difficulty in focusing upon particular things or points.
    4. Stumbling of words.
    5. Usually begins with dull pain, but gets worse at later.
    6. Intense pain in neck and head.
    7. Might last for 7-48 hours.
    8. Chills, cold sweating, irritation.
    9. Fatigue, loss of appetite, numbness, need for long sleep.
    10.Increased sensitivity to bright light, noise and strong odours.


    However, there are no specific treatments for treating migraine pains because of its various causes thus it is important to treat to the symptoms of this migraine and also to avoid the triggers. If the pain persists more than 15 days, then it should be treated with the help of medical consultation.

    Medical Treatment: There are certain medications that help in reducing migraine attack such as; Botulinum toxin type A (Botox) injections, then there are antidepressants such as; amitriptyline or venlafaxine, Blood pressure medicines such as beta blockers (propanolol, metroprolol) or calcium channel blockers (verapamil) and also the Seizure medicines such as valproic acid, gabapentin, and topiramate which all help in managing and reducing the pains.

    Lifestyle Management: Besides the medical treatment one has to amend his/her lifestyle in order to manage the migraine attacks and pain. Regular exercise, breathing exercises, keeping good eating habits, increasing the consumption of healthy food (green-leafy vegetables, fiber and pulses), avoiding alcohol, smoking and drugs will immensely help in managing the migraine pains. Regular sleeping habits, meditation, self-management skills, avoiding listening to loud music/noise also help in avoiding migraine triggers.

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