Causes, symptoms, and prevention of grey and loss of hair in Ayurveda

Discussion in 'Health' started by Woman, Jul 7, 2015.

  1. Woman

    Woman New Member

    Ayurveda recommends some beneficial tips for managing the greying of hair and also loss of hair according to Ayurveda following are the causes of grey and loss of hair:

    Excessive Intake of fried, spicy, salty, preserved, fermented food, caffeine, alcohol, non-vegetarian food, exaggerates the level of Pitta Dosha in the body and this pitta accumulated in the scalp leads to greying and loss of hair, anxiety, tension, depression and stress is also supposed to create too much of pitta.

    The symptoms are quite visible as one can surely see that grey hair then while combing the hair the loss of hair is easily be seen. Pitta dosh can also be present in the form of acidity in stomach, excessive sweating, nausea, and intolerance to heat.


    According to Ayurveda following are the steps to prevent greying and loss of hair

    •Treating the cold/kapha is essential as the people who have a prolonged cold are found to be suffering from greying and loss of hair. Kapha should not be accumulated in the head.

    •Sinusitis must be treated well it has a strong impact on the growth and loss of hair.

    •To have a good digestion is must according to Ayurveda a strong stomach, liver and kidneys are the good indicators of good health, weak digestive system can also lead to grey and loss of hair.

    •Regular hair massage with good Ayurveda essential oils is a must it would control the grey hair and loss of hair to a major extent. Essential oils in Ayurveda are Bhringaraaja or Keshraja oil.

    •Eating Copper rich food is also beneficial, multi-vitamins contain copper and natural food items such as turnip greens, yams, spinach, lima beans, and meats contain copper in a good extent. In fruits like blackberries, pomegranates, pumpkin seeds, almonds and pineapple also contain copper.

    •According to Ayurveda Yoga must become a part of daily routine in order to control the unwanted effects like greying and loss of hair. Yoga activities like rubbing the nails against one another then certain yoga asana like Kapalbhati, Prasana Mudra, Mandukasana, are very beneficial for not only controlling the greying and loss of hair but also help in reducing the stress level in body and maintains the lifestyle.

    •Diet is the most important part according to Ayurveda, it prescribes that one should avoid foods which aggravate Pitta Dosha in the body, foods like fried, oily, junk food, too much sweet, tea, coffee, alcohol, meat, carbonated drinks. Rather increasing the consumption of fresh fruits, green leafy vegetables, vegetable juices, fruits juices, carrots, capsicum, alfalfa is more beneficial.

    •Daily hair cleansing, massaging, shampooing, conditioning and right combing is necessary, one should switch over to ayurevedic hair cleansing products instead is using different commercial brands full of various chemicals.

    •Ayurveda also offers a Panchkarma Therapy that is very much beneficial for the overall treatment of the body and particularly for the greying and loss of hair. Panchakarma especially beneficial for the hair are Virechana, Shirodhara, and Nasya.

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