Burning Issues of National Concern

Discussion in 'Issues of India' started by Atreyasrinath, Mar 8, 2009.

  1. Atreyasrinath

    Atreyasrinath New Member

    I am going to put some really big problems which are need to be solved or at least noticed.

    Population explosion : we dont know how we will be able to feed our next generation . could we be able to provide them a healthy environment and a good life style?

    Corruption : i still can't understand that everyone i had met yet is against corruption but every government department known to me is full of corruption . does it mean we are a nation with greedy eyes or something else ?

    Unemployment : youth population of india is approximately 65 crores, only four crores of them are govt. employees and 12 crores are working in private sector, what about the rest . we are a country with 50 crores unemployed youth . what can be the answer to this problem?

  2. sanjeev chamoli

    sanjeev chamoli New Member

    It's poverty, corruption and terrorism are killing our growth. Else, we - the Indians have all that a developed country is having. We, all youth of india should fight these evils and make India proud.
  3. Sunirmal Ray

    Sunirmal Ray New Member

    Let us go to the root cause for poverty of India

    Dear Sanjeev Bhai

    Let us go to the root cause for poverty of India. It is only illiteracy and lack of population control.Let us take a pledge that we one literate Indian shall make another illiterate Indian literate.

    Charity Begins at home . Let us Start from our home /locality.No political party speaks about population control and illiteracy because both are benificial for their vote bank. They uses poor illiterate Indian in the name of caste and religion to enrich their vote bank.So long it continues ,no magic can change the destiny of this nation.
  4. kctaparia

    kctaparia New Member


    All should read the content of this message carefully again & again till at least all of us practice or spread this message to oblivate illitracy and check population.
  5. sharad shah

    sharad shah New Member

    Yes! Now we are touching the real issues of our country. In my view our population policy is one of the root causes of poverty. Not only that it very much dangerous. Today we don't realize the out come of the policy but after 50 years this country will be a country of baggers and all sort of ill people. You know literates, healthy and wealthy people have adopted family planning, because they understand the consequences of having more child. But poor, mentally and physically sick, illiterates don't understand anything. For them more children will be the more source of income from bagging or other illicit work. They go on producing unlimited. Now think what will happen after 50 years. The whole country will be full of diseased, ill, poor illiterate people. Hardly one or two percent people in India will remain wealthy and healthy. You will be compelled to leave this country, if no proper steps are initiated today. I can see the only solution to sterilize all the ill and mentally sick people. Also give more facilities and government subsidy benefits only to those poor, who are having one child only. Also punish poor, who are producing more children. All others should not have more then one child at least for another 20 years. Also allow people who want death because of their non curable disease and unbearable pain.

    I invite all others to give their views on the issue.
  6. rcp21

    rcp21 New Member


    In india , there are a large percentage of population which are facing employment problem. An indepth thinking and good ideas may be helpful in searching and getting the the employment opprtunities.
  7. shweta_vja

    shweta_vja New Member

    Corruption is the main problem in India. Many people even the police are also corrupting. We are blaming the political parties for that. But not only the politicians but also we, the students are corrupting today.You may not believe
    it. But it's a true. Students are participating in corruption by copying in exams. Yes, it is also a type of corruption. The youth can change India. So we all should study well and should not copy.

    We should be the foundation of eradicating corruption in India.
  8. vinodkumar

    vinodkumar New Member

    Every individual in our society should be responsible to eradicate the root cause of corruption, be it in any form, like as you mentioned, copying exams, and we should bring momentum amongst all others to eradicate this problem, as every one of us involved in this. Hope we can build this society corruption free, to help the progress of our nation.
  9. chandan gohain

    chandan gohain New Member

    correptions evolve from our mind.We are living in such a world which is full of violence and this world is made by our west,negative,unknoun thought........
    so,to overcom all we need true knowledge,as knowledge POWER.HERE KNOWLEDGE to SELF who realy i am that is SOUL having values PEACE,PURITY,HAPPYNESS,BLIESS.THEN WE MAKE soon a beautiful and healthy world.
  10. abhishek.sharma

    abhishek.sharma New Member


    hey friends everybody of you know about this word but we will have to kill it.If any body ask you for money against your work then first slap him and as be a brave arrest him because it is your duty to protect india, our INDIA, our lovely INDIA B'COZ I PROUD TO BE AN INDIAN.
  11. Joy Jacob

    Joy Jacob New Member

    Corruption - Peoples' Representatives

    Hi all,

    Corruption thrives in a society when the members of the society are driven by their greed to possess and demonstrate it to invite the envy of others. We elect our representatives for a fixed maximum term. Once elected they are expected to devote themselves to the welfare of the constituency which they represent. However, they generally act as if they are primarily indebted to those who voted to elect them, as represented by the political party sponsoring his/her candidature. Naturally they exert their influence to satisfy their supporters regardless of the merit of their claim. As long as they continue to exercise this power, more and more people are attracted to seek their patronage to gain entry and consolidate their gain regardless of the means employed for the purpose. The peoples' representative acquires absolute power and wields it at will to sustain him/herself in position. He oversteps his jurisdiction to influence the actions of the executive and is susceptible to employ corrupt means to muster favorable decisions. We do not mind the corrupt practices of our leaders and public servants as long as it does not affect our own interests adversely.

    The MPs and MLAs who are primarily responsible for making/amending outdated laws, should debate objectively all the bills which are presented in Parliament and Assemblies . Lack of debate/discussions, quite often, fail to address the principal objectives of the bill effectively. We have a right to demand proper conduct by our representatives to ensure the common welfare of the constituency. As long as we restrain ourselves from demanding personal favours, the corruption in the corridors of power will have a natural demise. Let us resolve to control our urge to jump the queue for short or long term personal benefits.

    Joy Jacob


    We have many laws,Rules and ways to solve these three problem and also many more problem but what we dont have is the leader or a party who can impliment this.

    Implimenting the law is real problem need to be solved.we can just see that like this America without much proff attacked sadam and hang him but we even tho have see Kasab killing all with our eyes but still he is alive
  13. sriwinny_tumu

    sriwinny_tumu New Member

    Implement Cinese law in India - One or None policy

    our country is still a developing nation. The main reason for slow development of India is population. In world it stands in second posotion. Stil government is not taking any action on this like chinese.We know very well that they have one or none policy. It can be implemented even in India. So lets the pleasure to inform this to government of India. And expect that a very strict rule should be passed.
  14. karthik.iyer

    karthik.iyer New Member

    Dear Friends,

    We are all corrupted, no one of us are free from the evil effect, may be for our own convience. To get a licence we bribe to get our work done we bribe every one of us are corrupted. How can you stop it if you stop it in way of cash it will be in kind passed on to people to get the same work done.

    we are in the world where money is abudent with those who have & for them this is not a crime, but they have made it such a way that even poor are suffering.

    To curb the corruption there should be some punishment for them also, to be frank the person who take a bribe of Rs.100/- is yes guilty but he is the one who is punished not the person who takes in lakhs, let our goverment cease all the property purchased in all the names by this person.



    Yes we all are corrupted as of now if u dont give money u wont get work done

    I want to become good person from today but can i do that no i cant untill everyone stop bribing at the same time or else i will be left behind this is not just mine this is the worry of all.we all want to become corruptionless but we cant become due to socity

    For this we need mass movement if i had gven chance to do this i will say ok we all know we are corrupt but lets stop now lets forget what we did in past we might have taken or we might have given the bribe but we will make sure that from today we wont take or give the bribe and the one does will be punished infrant of all in humilating maner

    Thank you

  16. srinuthename

    srinuthename New Member

    We have the Solution

    We have the solution. Do you have the time to know it???
  17. Madhura Dande

    Madhura Dande New Member

    The best solution is to prevent corruption, which says don't you dare to do it and don't let others to do it........
    not even under extreme conditions.....

    i believe our constitution is sufficient to help us to get out of the problem... so lets make INDIA a CORRUPTION FREE COUNTRY!!!!!!!!!!
  18. kuku0001

    kuku0001 New Member

    ill literacy is the main cause of all problems .only good education make a country developed.educated people well know their right then no one exploit them.it also help to balance the population rate.we can help our country by educating one illitrate.first start with one then million
  19. Bhavesh patel

    Bhavesh patel New Member

    My dear Fellow Indians,

    actually National Political Parties and all Indian politicians are blind , cunning and selfish for vote bank they can not see the actual remedy of india's burning problems like over population, inflation , poverty . These all problem's roots is overpopulation and it must be control by birth control and birth control can be control by law and order.we have to make a law that those parent /father/mother have more then two children should not have any right for vote and can't eligible for any benefit or any financial help or aid from government. and more then parents should be punished/ fined for more children in tax like per child 1000/- or more per year like income tax.

    why these politicians are not making law to control population :confused:
  20. Trendster

    Trendster New Member

    Valid points!

    Agricultural land and sector, gradually decreasing. Service sector and tertiary sector are growing and I am happy by their growth but I guess it all ultimately depends on food...agriculture and about 50% of people are still earning their living rom agriculture or related activities. NREGA (MGREGA), PMGSY, and other initiatives by the Government are good but still I want more and more private sector and youngsters should work on the root level.

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