Bullying In School: A Sad Reality

Discussion in 'Education' started by Kritiquesays, Sep 1, 2016.

  1. Kritiquesays

    Kritiquesays New Member

    Many of us have been victims of bullying in school. The bullying may be obvious or present in covert ways.

    Some forms of bullying that students undergo in school are:-

    .Being rumored by someone.

    .Not being spoken to and ostracized.

    .Being spoken to rudely and belittled.

    .Being called names.

    .Being criticized unnecessarily.

    On the face of it, all these might be taken lightly but they have a prolonged and harmful affect on the psyche of the child. These affects could last many years after the incident. Therefore, children should be encouraged to speak up about these issues with their elders. They should be taken SERIOUSLY.

  2. School bullying refers to all types of bullying done on school property, whether it is peer-to-peer bullying, bullying of younger children by older children, or bullying in which a teacher is either a victim or a culprit. Keep reading for facts about school bullies and bullying behavior. Victims of bullying display a range of responses, even many years later, such as:
    1. Low self-esteem
    2. Difficulty in trusting others
    3. Lack of assertiveness
    4. Aggression
    5. Difficulty controlling anger
    6. Isolation.
    Parents and teachers must be alert enough to stop this and cooperate with students to over come from this situation.

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