Women are considered to be the most beautiful creation of the Almighty because their hearts are filled with compassion and sincerity. Their lives are devoted to their families and all the loved ones surrounding them. A woman never asks for anything in return she continues to give and give no matter her devotion and virtuous deeds are praised or counted. She herself doesn't know when she completely becomes the epitome of devotion. And while living for others she becomes emotionally dependent on others, particularly to the ones whom she finds the closest (spouse, parents, children, in laws, friends and others) to her. She feels so much connected to these relations that she somewhere forgets her own self as an individual and separate identity. She gets herself so much engrossed in the services done for these relationships that she ignores her responsibility of fulfilling and working for her own happiness and peace. When she begins to live for these relationships she tends to believe that this is the only "objective" of her life, sometimes she gets truly hurt with the small issues and conditions and then she feels shattered and disappointed. Then she begins to question her worthiness and accountability of others. But why to reach at such a point where one's stability of mind and heart becomes questioned and weak? I feel women are being created in such a way that "giving and sharing" is something inbuilt and innate features of their personalities but it doesn't mean that they forget to give and share happiness, stability and peace with their own selves. Rather this is much important to become "emotionally independent" while serving others and every relationship. Only an emotionally stable person can bestow love and happiness to others in a better way rather than a person who is serving others with an expectation of getting any return or mercy from those relationships/people.