You are reading Newspaper or Article on Internet about a 'random' survey done on less than 500 people in a far away land (sometimes they don't even mention these details)....according to which characteristics of all the men are generalized often in a negative manner. Media almost always concentrate on few percent of dirty minds in men....but never focus on normal or good men...and as they say "All men are Dogs." Bow-Wow!! Then a half an hour report on TV about a 'brave' woman who fought against society and is now running a successful Poultry business....(Come on, there are exceptions in Billions of people). I am sure if such reports are made on men their number can cross millions. To add to that preconceived notions, 'sayings'! There are many such, media is hyping, overrating women and their achievements and ignoring, cursing men. I just want to say that everything differs from person to person....then please don't categorize men and women.