Detoxification of the body means to cleanse the blood, this process includes the purification of blood in the liver where the toxins are processed for the elimination. Our body also eliminates toxins from the kidneys, lungs, intestines and skin. Detoxification is mainly done through relaxing the body organs through the means of fasting, eating nutritious food, avoiding caffeine or junk food. Medical practitioners recommend that we all should detoxify the body once in a year. There are five major food detox diets which are immensely useful in detoxifying process: juice detox, sugar detox, veggie/simple fruit detox, smoothie detox and hypoallergenic detox diet. Following are the best ways to detoxify the body: 1. Eat fiber food like beet roots, radishes, cabbage, broccoli, Chlorella, also including brown- rice and fresh fruits. 2. Use herbs like dandelion root, milk thistle, green tea, to cleanse and protect the liver. 3. Using Vitamin C is extremely useful to help the liver in throwing away the toxins from the body. It also produces glutathione. 4. Drink plenty of water at least two quarts of water a day. 5. Take deep Breathes to allow oxygen so that it circulates thoroughly through your system. 6. Transform your stress into positive energy. 7. Practicing hydrotherapy is immensely beneficial it is done by taking a very hot shower for five minutes, and then follow with cold water for 30 seconds. Do this thrice times, and then get into bed for 30 minutes. 8. Sweating in a sauna is also useful to help your body to eliminate wastes through perspiration. 9. The most important way to detoxify is to "Exercise". Yoga or rope jumping are good exercises in order to detoxify or cleansing, as well as many other exercises with specific health benefits.
Hey there, Thank u for so many helpful tips, I find drinking lots of water useful and also Removes toxins from the Body easily. Also one must opt for safe Drinking Water as Water also contains a plethora of organisms like viruses and bacteria, which if ingested, can cause water borne diseases. Though the tap water that you receive in your home is purified at source, it could still get contaminated while it is being transported to your house through pipelines, tankers etc. Impure drinking water can cause a number of serious illnesses. I suggest Kent which is Best water purifier in India 2014 ensures safe drinking water.