Food is an indispensable part of Indian culture and varies from culture to culture. Indian food has several benefits, especially health benefits. Although Indian food is made using lot of spices, these spices have their own nutritional values that help in digestion as well as helps in fighting with several diseases. What are the other benefits of Indian food according to you?
Yes Indian food is best for health and long time life. Indians use natural nutrition’s and herbals in their food. The Indian food contains proteins in huge quantity that help to live a long and better life without having any disease.
Yes in our food we maintain all things equally for good health and taste like turmeric,oil and other spices in appropriate quantities.
Indian food is a well balanced diet, Even ghee used in the food is to maintain the fat levels with the protein of dal and vegetable. I love the science behind everyu Indian dish which is known or unknown to the women of India.