Benefits of exercising with empty stomach

Discussion in 'Health' started by Woman, Aug 4, 2015.

  1. Woman

    Woman New Member

    Researchers have proved that those who work-out with empty stomach are able to burn the fat 20% more than the people who exercise after eating breakfast. Exercising with empty has remarkable results as it increases the rate of fat burn in the body because with an empty stomach the body begins to use the fat as fuel for energy while exercising and thus it leads to more burning of fat and results in weight loss. Working out with an empty stomach helps in preventing weight gain and combats Insulin resistance. Actually the fat burning processes in our body are controlled by the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) and this SNS is activates by the lack of food and exercise so when we exercise with empty stomach the increases the effect of cellular factors and catalysts which coerce the breakdown of fat and glycogen for energy. And it is also notable that those who eat before work-out particularly the intake of carbohydrates prevents the SNS and eventually slows down the fat burning process. Henceforth exercising with empty stomach is comparably more beneficial one should also consider a point seriously that working out while one is feeling hungry would have least effects, one should not starve the stomach for too long in order to exercise rather if you’re hungry and trying to work-out, your efforts would be highly slow with low level of energy.

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