Dedicated server is paid and solely used by a single computer which comprises of a web server, necessary software and an internet connection loaded withing the Web Hosting Company. It is generally required for those websites that have hefty number of traffic. Some of the benefits of Dedicated Server include: It is reliable as it lessens the traffic jams and offers low risk of slowing down and crashes. It is increases the speed of site performance as it is not shared with any other person. It provides complete security as the server cannot be accessed by anyone else. It supports custom configuration as well as installation of special software. It runs on custom firewall. It has its individual IP adress and is not shared with any other computer like the other hosting services It provides the facility to add extra RAM, disk space or processor. What are the other benefits apart from these according to you?
Dedicated servers are the most reliable hosting option as it is not shared with anyone else. The main benefit of dedicated server is that it is completely secured. It is best for running eCommerce websites as the traffic to these websites are generally very high. It increases the authority over email functionality. The response time of dedicated server is amazing as it it faster than the other hosting options.
There are many reasons for choosing dedicated server for hosting as compared to shared servers. Undoubtedly, dedicated servers are more costly but offers stability which is the main benefit of choosing a dedicated server over shared server. Dedicated server is always the best option for hosting websites that has high traffic inflow as it is stable and also increases the performance of the website.