Benefits of Commonwealth Games in India

Discussion in 'Sports' started by Yuva, Oct 1, 2010.

  1. Yuva

    Yuva New Member

    Commonwealth Games 2010, all set to take place in the Indian capital of New Delhi, has already become a focal point of hordes of controversies ranging from mismanagement, nepotism, corruption to lots of others. Well the good news is all these are being eradicated at the fastest speed and the government is equally conscious to uphold the national prestige. But what is most striking, many people have started to be skeptical of the efficacy of these games. What do they fail to realize is that scores of benefits are being generated by Commonwealth Games in India.

    The first and foremost benefit is that the host city goes through a complete transformation and also remains witness to fast infrastructural development. New Delhi, at the moment, is feeling the same. It is also true that due to Commonwealth Games unrecognized sports do attain fame and better equipments and facilities are provided in order to instruct the partakers of the games.

    It has been found to get ready for the energy-usage spike all through the Games and to put an end to unremitting power cuts in Delhi, government is taking on an extensive power-production project. The sole purpose is to raise power production to 7,000 MW. This is also a great development.

    Is this all? No! The radical infrastructural development in Delhi, when the world is changing in each minute, can impact the worldwide corporate scenario a great deal. Not only the greatest beneficiary of all these will be the job sector but its accessories will not be left in lurch also. Can you envisage effect of fast transport in a city and its outskirts? Delhi, always discarded for lots of despicable aspects, is going to have the same in the coming months and can compete with any capital in the West and also United States.

    A changed Delhi will become the role model to the premier metropolises across India and they, getting inspired, will change themselves without ado. Surely, Commonwealth Games 2010 Delhi is going to be a role model for the coming generations and the basis of a new, vibrant India.

  2. Tigerr

    Tigerr New Member

    there are many benefits of common wealth games in india. for instance the infrastructure of delhi have been improved a lot after common wealthgames. the corrupt faces have come out. the capacity to withstand pressure of hosting such a big event could be known. there were little flaws but since india is still a juvenile country it can learn from mistakes.
  3. Idiotbox

    Idiotbox New Member

    well there are loads of benefits coming from the common wealth games rather than the cons we have seen. i think the good side of hosting the games was the infrastructure of delhi has been improvised a lot and moreover india has got recognition world wide that it is quite capable of hosting international games.

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