Be Strong to say "NO" in the very beginning

Discussion in 'India' started by Campus, Nov 27, 2013.

  1. Campus

    Campus New Member

    Addiction for anything is always bad, because it extracts the whole lot of your energy, time, resources and sometimes your most precious wealth; the health! Thus it is extremely important to put a full stop at the very beginning of something that might turn into an addiction for you. Addiction of drinking alcohol and smoking is too much hazardous not only for the person but all other people who are associated with the person being addictive of these activities. It is a matter of utmost will and self control, especially the youngsters who easily get addictive of such harmful activities should understand this need very well. While keeping the dangerous after effects of drinking alcohol and smoking, one can every time refuse to get involved in such activities. Such things will never be fruitful for anyone rather they are going to spoil the life and relationships for a person. It is just a one time effort, if in the very beginning when someone offers/encourages/provokes you to drink alcohol and smoke, that is the time to tackle the situation with wisdom and strong will power. Your one firm and big “NO” will save you from the destruction that might take place at the later stage of your life. By raising the self control and will power one can simply refuse these things. It is actually our weaker will and self control that leads us towards such addictions otherwise no one can compel us to dive in this destructive pool.

  2. bharatiyam

    bharatiyam New Member

    A big No in the beginning is like a prevention to the many ills lining up, more like what we say "Prevention is better than cure".
    "Had she given him a big No in the beginning when he had given her slightly out of the way hints, he would not have gathered the courage to do this."
    "Had he given a strong No to his seniors in the very beginning, they would have lacked the courage to bully him further"
    "Had she given her friends a big No then, when they forced her to drink, she would not have been an addict now."
    A "No" is a strong start that requires consistency and that is it,you have no fear of the evils that are waiting.A "No" is the perfect answer when your surroundings tend to incline you to temptations, that you know will lead you to the pit.

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