Ayurveda VS Allopathy

Discussion in 'Health' started by Indian.Princess, Jun 18, 2009.

  1. Indian.Princess

    Indian.Princess New Member

    There is a ongoing debate around the world that which one is better is it Allopathy or is it Ayurveda? Ayurveda is 5000 year old activity which deals with curing various diseases......Allopathy is a recent phenomenon having been developed some 300 years ago........Baba Ramdev claims that Ayurveda can cure all diseases while many doctors say that Ayurveda could be a prevention but it is not cure,so which one is better Ayurveda or Allopathy ?

    Please Comment

  2. indianbeep

    indianbeep New Member

    Ayurveda does cure the diseases if you follow the strict diet prescribed it takes quite a bit time compared to other but a permanent solution
  3. rainbow

    rainbow New Member

    In today's fast paced life people prefer Allopathy to Ayurveda cause it gives a quick relief though affects body as after all its a chemical. In long run decreases immunity power a bit and sometimes are not any beneficial to the one who takes
    Just a small example: if anyone has a soar throat, he/she prefers to take may be D-cold or vicks instead of Ayurveda therapy but these medicines lead to strokes as they contain phenyl-propanol-amid (PPA).
  4. kousikmca

    kousikmca New Member

    Its simple...

    Allopathy suppresses/inhibits your disease for the time being. Ayurveda, though its slow, gives you a permanent cure.

    Allopathy has to grow a lot to reach the level of Ayurveda. You may find this statement strange, but Ayurveda has every technique which allopathy employs today. But everything is lost. The ayurveda that is being practised now is like re-inventing the wheel. Well, we should be happy that there are people to do atleast that.
  5. nickiee

    nickiee Guest


    Hey i read your post and i want to have more knowledge on Ayurveda. It sounds really good Medical Science. In My opinion Ayurveda is the most popular holistic forms of medicine that has originated in India, and is now rapidly spreading around the world.
  6. quizzycal

    quizzycal New Member

    Oldest form of treatment

    Ayurveda is the oldest form of treatment. It is the natural way to get cure. This is an ancient method of treatment but still applicable. There are numerous Ayurvedic trees, herbs, plants, leaves and they give miraculous results. The allopathy is the modern way of treatment. The allopathy medicines are formed from synthetically, engineered molecules. Both the form of treatment are effective to get relieve from the pain and suffering.
  7. toprngr

    toprngr New Member

    Thanks buddy that was informational but still i need to know more details about Ayurveda
  8. Suryavanshi

    Suryavanshi New Member

    Both have their own benefits and negatives. It is true that Ayurveda is old but it cannot only prevent but can also cure. That is different part that much of the people are not aware of its right use. Secondly the effect of ayurveda is slow and takes time but it has no side effects. On the other side for a quick relaxation Allopathy is the right choice, but then it involves side effects also. In many cases where allopathic doctors give up; ayurveda is able to heal people well and that too without operation.
  9. rekhagupta

    rekhagupta New Member

    Ayurveda is considered as the best treatment for any disease as it is free from the side effects. All the medicines are made up in ayurveda consists natural herbs that are free from chemicals whereas allopathy medicines are only made up from harmful chemicals. One should always go for ayurvedic treatment rather than allopathy.
  10. shinning

    shinning New Member

    there has always been a contradiction in Ayurvedic and Alopathy medicines.

    I am still you clear which treats you better
  11. aroraraj

    aroraraj New Member

    Ayurveda is the ancient method of treatment for all disease without any side effect. Baba Ramdev claims that Ayurveda and made different ayurvedic medicine for the treatment of all disease.

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