Are we disciplined Indian ?

Discussion in 'Issues of India' started by nehaverma, Nov 22, 2008.

  1. nehaverma

    nehaverma New Member

    I have been inspired to write this article to observe various indiscipline by citizens of India in general life. Because of this and considering myself a citizen of India and activist to promote human rights education, I decided to start a drive to dawn an era for discipline in one's life and safeguard one's right to live with dignity. This is more relevant that due to this indiscipline and unawareness of human rights and fundamental rights in one's life, we are legging behind apart from first world countries and we are named as third world country. I have noted down many instances in daily routine life which made me to write this article.

    Some of them are as follows:-

    1. Driving on wrong side and thinking it a right
    2. Violating the traffic rules
    3. Crossing of road without any signal
    4. Moving on restricted sites
    5. Spitting on public places
    6. Passing out of urine and stool in open instead of proper places
    7. Not giving the appropriate fare amount to conductor in bus and taking it right to have change from conductor/train ticket booking clerk only.
    8. Parking of vehicle on road side in busy roads /markets and even on restricted places
    9. To break the queue and enter first every where.
    10. Reaching late in duty points and taking it as a right

    11. Use of political power for their wrong deeds
    12. Putting responsibility of self upon others
    13. Holding responsible to Govt. for the jobs for which they have to discharge.
    14. Without doing their duties taking it right to maintain their self.
    15. Considering their right to violate the laws and rules.
    16. Ignoring fundamental duties for sake of self motive interests
    17. Teasing of weaker people by mighty people.
    18. Considering the Govt. property their own property.
    19. Misusing the one's Govt. position for grabbing the money.

    20. Misusing of Govt. funds
    21. Stealing of Govt.Taxes by hook or crooks
    22. Delaying of national development process projects due to self interest
    23. Declaration of unworkable policies by political parties causing loss to national development to grab the power.
    24. Relying and copying of unsuited European culture in India
    25. Discarding of Indian patriot ship and favoring European countries only for want of money.
    26. Use of Indian manpower in development of other countries.
    27. Preferring English language than Indian languages.
    28. Ignorance of grown up parents and joint families
    29. Favoring feticide.
    30. Teasing and cheating the foreign visitors / citizens defaming India for handy interests

    31. Depositing of Indian earned revenue in foreign banks paying charges on deposits which is not guaranteed to be utilized by their kith and kins.
    32. Considering Govt. Service as crown of king and not service to nation.
    33. Setting up of Mandir, Masjid, Gurdwara and Church for self interests beyond national interest.
    34. Raising of movement on regionalism dividing the society
    35. Courage of foreign products though being better indigenously available.
    36. Not to raise voice against injustice just to oblige mighty persons.
    37. To please the crooked and corrupt positioned persons which is not required, instead they should be exposed
    38. Begging for justice instead of asking for rights
    39. Unawareness about human rights and fundamental rights in India.
    40. Not knowing the meaning of right to franchise

    41. Unawareness about Human Rights, Fundamental Rights and Right to Information Act in India.
    42. Continual attacks on Scheduled castes and scheduled tribes
    43. Having no social security to Indian citizens causing youths inspiring to join unethical acts e.g. terrorism in the hands of foreign agencies.
    44. India is having maximum youth power over the world and it need to be properly utilized on the pattern of China. I am seeing misuse of that.
    45. Wrong concept about population problem: worldwide population is decreasing now.

    If we do not exercise the above noted bad habits and become a disciplined human, we can paw the path of development of disciplined society, state and in turn country.
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2008



    Hi neha its 100% true that we should follow these things to make our country better but the questions come is how we will make these example if u r just waiting in Que and everyone else is entering like that then till when u will stand if u stand then i am sure u will not move only i means u r chance will not come only.we need some mass change her change in law and making everyone aware that do right thing and right place.
    Youth likes this.
  3. Desi_Boi

    Desi_Boi New Member

    Most people don't FACT! especially lower class people :mad:


    what do u mean by Fact that to lower class people
  5. Desi_Boi

    Desi_Boi New Member

    ^ Poor people

    Rikshawa/taxi walas spitting on streets while driving etc

    people trowing trash in middle of streets etc are mostly poor ppl u don't see middle class people doing things like this in Bangalore
  6. kousikmca

    kousikmca New Member

    Make strict Laws....

    People everywhere are the same. They love to be free unless and until they are restricted by stringent laws. As far as my observation, why foreign countries are clean and tidy ? Its due to the following points
    1. They are brought up to blindly follow some ethics right from childhood
    2. Strict laws that restrict people from doing all the points metioned above
  7. quizzycal

    quizzycal New Member

    We're not at all disciplined!

    It is very tough to be disciplined in life. There are some people who have long enmity with discipline. And hence it is something impossible to make all Indians disciplined. In various offices the officials do not come in proper time. They are often late to come in the offices. They do not have the idea of punctuality. :confused:
  8. ankionride

    ankionride New Member

    Ankit verma

    hey Neha,
    ahh it was amazing to read ur post concerning the right topic n one of the most important reasons that y we Indians n our India is seen so laid back in the world....OK so ahhh talking about breaking traffic rules, n this n that which is still fine at a certain point but the thing we dnt see that is the most important thing we r lacking is the continuity of our culture through our generations. i mean today's teen lack this strong hold of our culture.. about me m a teen too just 17 years old, moreover i live in US n love my country... but i do take bit of shame when m out here u know talking to white n these goora so called pple n correcting them when they abuse my country n then i actually realize that my own pple, Indians r the one who let me down there.... my whole point is that where is that epic strong cultured background in India now...........m from Chandigarh one of the most modern cities in India....but i take shame in calling it modern.....every other girl is in shorts...........for today's India teen relation ships n breaks up r such a normal thing which id just unacceptable to me :mad:
    y is that.........what is wrong with this today's generation, lk i have my friends who calls himself so Indians n religious u k but then every day he goes hang out with his girlfriend n i get so mad at him for that, i say that ether stop saying ur indian or atleast follow the correct path if u want to be...........n till this up coming problem is not corrected theres no way we can have a disciple society n then i hear from him that ooo u know krishna ji also had a gf n stuff soo i mean, we have to realize its us who r wrong.............problems n indiscipline starts at home moreover in heart...............we are the strongest up coming nation in the world.......i mean i know wat it feels when i sit in my mathematics class or science class n m having a galla time in there but every one around me the goora n kalla pple r pissing in there pants hahaha n then lk i mean we got the best scientists, engineers and doctors in the world, i did read a very nice article back about a month ago, talking about how ancient people in India believed that we have inner-god, which are our hormones n they indirectly control us..........n if we some how control these inner gods we can be next Einstein or bill gates, so before our base or culture is lost, some serious steps need to be take place.......
  9. Ramakrishnan P R

    Ramakrishnan P R New Member

    Hi Neha,

    What u said about Traffic is very true. Today Violating the traffic rule itself is the order of the day. I think reservation policy also peeped into the traffic system in India. When we were kids we use to see "Main Road Ahead, Go slow" sign in all cross roads. But today they put road humps in main roads, making it look like camel hump ride. They should put road humps in cross roads and allow the main road traffic an non hindrance ride.

  10. Idiotbox

    Idiotbox New Member

    i do agree to some of the aspects such as violating the traffic rules, ragging,teasing and so on. but there are some aspects which need to be brought to limelight which is open defecation. this is the cause for many diseases and it looks awful that in this age there are people in india defecating openly. government should provide proper sanitation and defecating services.
  11. National

    National New Member

    we are disciplined indians but the discipline which we have is very primitive and those habits now are treated as malpractices. for example, open urination, open defecation, spitting on roads and walls, and so forth. as we are evolving, our habits should evolve.. the poorer section of people due to illiteracy and ignorance do such acts. i think education would slowly lower down such practices
  12. Greatindia

    Greatindia New Member

    we are very much disciplined and civilized society in the world. this has been acknowledged by various foreign researchers too who have visited our villages and studied our ways of living. but at present we are become irresponsible towards the society as population is growing and people are becoming more and more selfish. this is the reason why we can witness some examples of indiscipline.

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