Are the Indian women getting used to Domestic Violence ?

Discussion in 'Women' started by Campus, Dec 2, 2013.

  1. Campus

    Campus New Member

    Violence against women has been an old age weapon used by the male dominated Indian society for so many years. For many years women are beaten and tortured by the acts of violence in their homes and families. Their voices, screams and sobs have been curbed and suppressed through the medium of violence. It's been such a long time, women have been living a struggling and stressful life, particularly the illiterate women see no ray of hope in their lives and life’s trauma is increasing for them day by day. But why domestic violence against Indian women is steadily increasing? Apparently because the women have become used to, of this violence, perhaps they have accepted this violence silently and as a part of their life. Because if they had not accepted it and sat quietly then there would have been initiated a huge revolution against domestic violence in the Indian civil society. Women have to take responsibility for themselves, women have their biggest weapon with them and that is their Will Power. If a woman strongly decides that she will not tolerate the violence at any cost then then the whole world would seem to be with her. Then there are many measures to teach a lesson to those ridiculed men folks who practice domestic violence against women. The day the woman will say ‘NO’ to Domestic Violence, Life will embrace her with all possible solutions and goodness.

  2. bharatiyam

    bharatiyam New Member

    Men are dominant, women are supposed to be submissive in a male dominated society. Patriarchal norms force women to leave her home after she gets married, she is bound to go her husbands house and stay their for the rest of her life. The notion of "pati parmeshwar" lingers all through out her life and she is forced to abide by the rules of the society.The society considers her as the weaker part and man continue to hurl violence against her. The institution of marriage some what licenses husbands to act violently against their wives and thus the act of domestic violence. Wives weep silently enduring all torture still looking after the household. No women still do not speak out against domestic violence for fear of social seclusion and chiding. However with the development of the nation, its high time women start rising against violence inflicted to them for this is the only solution that shall rise their "debased" social status and consider them at par with men.

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