APJ Abdul Kalam for President

Discussion in 'Politics & Society' started by Garv, Apr 24, 2012.

  1. Garv

    Garv New Member

    As a young man, he dreamed of flying fighter aircraft. As educator, he has influenced millions of students. As missile scientist, he sent satellites into space, and designed India's nuclear bomb. As connoisseur of music, he can play the veena and is an accomplished composer of Carnatic music. As President, he won encomiums from all quarters and hailed as a People's President.


    My dear citizens, let us resolve to continue to work for realizing the missions of developed India 2020 with the following distinctive profile.

    1. A Nation where the rural and urban divide has reduced to a thin line.

    2. A Nation where there is an equitable distribution and adequate access to energy and quality water.

    3. A Nation where agriculture, industry and service sector work together in symphony.

    4. A Nation where education with value system is not denied to any meritorious candidates because of societal or economic discrimination.

    5. A Nation which is the best destination for the most talented scholars, scientists, and investors.

    6. A Nation where the best of health care is available to all.

    7. A Nation where the governance is responsive, transparent and corruption free.

    8. A Nation where poverty has been totally eradicated, illiteracy removed and crimes against women and children are absent and none in the society feels alienated.

    9. A Nation that is prosperous, healthy, secure, peaceful and happy and continues with a sustainable growth path.

    10. A Nation that is one of the best places to live in and is proud of its leadership.

    Finally let me thank each one of you for showering your love and affection on me throughout the last five years by your cooperation and support.

    Dear Citizens, I conclude my address by sharing with you my mission in life which is to bring connectivity between billion hearts and minds of the people of India in our multicultural society and to embed the self confidence that "we can do it". I will be always with you, dear citizens, in the great mission of making India a developed nation before 2020.

    May God bless you.

    We don`t need a RUBBER STAMP President like Pratibha Patil.

    India needs a president like Dr APJ Abdul Kalam who can inspire all Indians especially the Indian Youth. He is the youth icon of India , a real patriotic soul and very much needed for the nation. All Political parties should unanimously nominate Shri Abdul Kalam as the president of India.

  2. IamanINDIAN

    IamanINDIAN New Member

    Yes i agree the very fact that Dr Kalam is unequivocally the best president India can have right now. He is highly talented, educated and mingles the citizens listening to our woes and encourages to move forward with courage. He is one fine mentor India can have and we should not let go off this opportunity. Please nominate Dr.Kalam as the president of India!
  3. Student

    Student New Member

    Absolutely! We do not find our president Pratibhai Patil so very active. We want a president who can contribute something different and substantial apart from merely performing his or her duties. Dr Kalam is the best president we can have. And how about Mr. Pranab Mukherjee who is also in the contestant list of next Indian president?
  4. Gas

    Gas New Member

    Yes, I agree with you. India truly aspires for Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam as he strives to work selflessly for the nation and its people so that India turns out to be a developed nation. We do not need a President who is just for the sake of the tag and is a puppet of the ruling party. We need some one who is efficient and has his own thinking capacity in developing the nation.

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