Discussion in 'India' started by sameer bansal, May 19, 2009.

  1. sameer bansal

    sameer bansal New Member

    i m a student doing my graduation from pune (maharashtra), basicaly belongs from uttar pradesh , and want to do some thing for my country which can eliminate the differences of cast and religion because of which their are language issues, like some what in maharashtra which is not a sober matter for our unity nation, i respect all the countries but want that every person from other countries should visit my country and watch the rich culture which i hope and noticed that few foreign visitors do,.they also capture some beautiful moments in their albums and wanna be like that because still their is one thing in my nation that's called love and sentiments for each other , and which brings some times a drop of tear in the eyes of the people for example a mother seving a plate of food for his child and sits with him or her till he/she eats which shows the affection in our culture.(I HOPE THIS TIME THE GOVERNMENT CAME INTO POWER MAY MAKE THE MOST NECESSARY CHANGES WHICH MY NATION NEED'S , COZ' THE MOST ADORABLE LEADER OF YOUTH AND NATION THAT'S RAHUL GANDHI IS WORKING TO MAKE SUCH CHANGES IN SMALL TOWNS AS WELL AS URBAN AREAS) ITS JUST A REQUEST FROM ME TO ALL SUCH LEADERS TO KEEP MY WORDS SO THAT WE CAN SHOW THE POWER AND CULTURE WITH THE SAME FEELING AS I HAVE MENTIONED AND FELT).

    JAI HO !!

    JAI HIND !!

  2. jibinjoy21

    jibinjoy21 New Member

    greatest problem

    i think ur right .......Indian culture also somewht nice ....
    but first thing to improve is ourself
    when we improve ourself then only we can do something special to this beautiful country ......
    actually everyone include we blame others for the problem which is created by ourself ...............................
    i can tell one thing if we improved ourself we can do something special to this country i am sure of that one ................
  3. Abhinav Dhere

    Abhinav Dhere New Member

    It's better if we do not depend on govt.

    Dear Mr.Sameer Bansal,

    I think that after looking at the speed of govt.(we can guess that from the situation of country after 60 yrs. of independence), I believe that its better if we do not remain dependent on the govt.It's time that we the youth take the responsibility of changing the things.Besides, I also agree with jibinjoy21 , first thing is to improve fact I had also written an article for Dr.Kalam's e-paper Billion Beats, which said similar thing...

    Abhinav Dhere
  4. AKSIN

    AKSIN New Member

    They are following british policy(devide & rule).

    Don't rely on politicians - they are following british policy(devide & rule). We are one and promised to one, belive on your own - forget and forgive others.
  5. lOVER india

    lOVER india New Member

    i think this is the best solution
    We should support this that India should be one of the subjects
    in which achievements,science,history and culture of India should be taught.
  6. Indiaforce

    Indiaforce New Member

    Yeah, rightly said. India is very much rich in their culture and all. There aren't any other country in the world with so many religions. Although, there are hardly any nuisance prevailing in the country in the name of religion which speaks for its high integrity among the people of the country. India will certainly become one of the superior countries in coming days.
  7. Desi

    Desi New Member

    Yes, we must have the hope.

    Hope gives us a vision and a vision inspires us to act and act leads to achievements.

    India has already become a cultural super power and soon the military, economic aspect will also follow the same route.
  8. boyhere2010

    boyhere2010 New Member

    Propelling India forward

    It is a good sign that people have started thinking on the lines of getting rid of religious, caste and other differences in the country. It is quite a shameful thing for us to live in such modern times and yet believe in such outdated stuff.
    I really do not know exactly how we should go about bringing these changes though. Whenever I try to talk to someone who is religious or an extremist theist about these matters, I always get the 'dirty' look and then either avoidance or some remark like 'don't you come patronizing me'. It is so hard to reason with the people.
    However, I cannot fully support the view that Rahul Gandhi is a very good leader. To me, he is no different than the rest. He just seems to be a show-off and just pretends he is a very good guy who cares for one and all. However, some of his actions have often given away his true self.
    If I am wrong about him, I would be more than happy. It would mean our country has a good-intentioned, young and energetic leader.
    But I have my doubts.....

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