American Economy

Discussion in 'Economy & Infrastructure' started by Divyasharma, Aug 15, 2010.

  1. Divyasharma

    Divyasharma New Member

    The United States of America is a land which is not only a developed country but is the main deciding factor in the context of world policies still now. The country of the United States of America is renowned for its liberal attitude and has always been known for the strong economic backbone that it has. However, in recent years the backbone has gone a lot thinner. The economic situation of the United States of America is not as smooth as it used to be some years ago. The main reason for this has to be the Afghanistan war. The war did cause a major hit in the economy of the United States of America. To worsen the situation, the top authority of the country had to decide that the troops must remain in the land of Afghanistan to ensure safety and security in the concerned region. The costing of maintaining the troop in a foreign land and other expenses related to the war field has increased the load on the economic backbone of the country.

    The country had been controlling a lot of world affair for a very long time, and thus the country was not ready to let go that as well. Thus, the country had to continue giving loan to poorer economies and in the process the economy of the United States of America took a further hit. The condition was further worsened by financial slowdown of the world which affected America the most. All these events happened after the twin tower attack and everything combined to cause a very adverse effect on the economic setup of the United States of America. The situation had gone so bad, that the country for the first time in history had to take a loan from the World Bank. The economy is however still better than most countries, but definitely have taken a hit when compared to the past records.

    Let's Discuss US economy and Impact of American Economy on Indian Economy here in this thread​

  2. Idiotbox

    Idiotbox New Member

    america has long been influential economy in the world. as it has tie ups with most of the nations along with india, what ever goes along with it, does with other linked up nations too. for instance when america had the most influence of the recession in the past, many countries were affected due it. american economy plays a role model for other nations to bring about development.
  3. R2India

    R2India New Member

    america is not only self sufficient but also helps economy of many other nations. the economy is so influential that the international markets go the way around american markets. the indian economy greatly depends on american economy as most of the industries and companies are american which have set up here and india is getting capital from them.
  4. National

    National New Member

    american economy is one of the major economies and also dominant in the world economy. it influences greatly the world economy and thus the other nations linked to it. america has its major share in indian economy. many american companies have set up here and are contributing to the growth of indian economy.
  5. Greatindia

    Greatindia New Member

    American economy being the most influential economy in the world has its own pros and cons. Though its the worlds greatest it relies majorly upon the oil reserves of the Arab countries. The economy would be greatly hit if America doesn't get adequate oil supplies. This is the major reason why America was behind Iraq wars.
  6. Economist

    Economist New Member

    BSE Sensex Falls Anticipating US Recession

    BSE Sensex fell 328 points by nearly 2% logging its 4th straight weekly loss, believed to be longest BSE's weekly losing streak after the Lehman collapse in fears of US sliding into recession, this triggered into one global flight from risky-assets. Worries lingered about slowdown of India's economic-growth and domestic companies' profitability.
  7. culture

    culture New Member

    American Economy seems to be a very strong economy from a distance but i think it is quite unstable economy. We can infer this from the recent turbulence in its economy due to inflation where many of the Americans lost their jobs and companies were shut down. This is not the case in India but i think India needs to learn such lessons by taking a look at American economy.

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