The Indian education system is however adapting the modern/western ways of teaching but it is still lagging in preparing the individuals according to the needs of the contemporary framework of the corporate sectors and different industries. The technology industries and big organizations are seeking for the candidates who are efficient in the 'professional' handling. Atmosphere in such organizations and enterprises is fully professional that expects an excellence in communication, interactions, disciplinary attitude, and speculative behavior. These industries require the candidates to be highly skilled and confident. The present academic curriculum in the Indian education system needs to prepare the pupils according to the professional needs of the industries. Every young youth wants to work with such big industries as they provide them handsome salaries and opportunities for further growth. Thus their foundation of attitudes and skills should be nurtured with the knowledge of the needs they are required to fulfill while working. There should be provisions of talent acquisition, communication improvement, personal training, skills development at the school and college level in order to prepare the child for their bright careers in the vivid industries. The curriculum should be made more of practical work/projects instead of textual. Such changes will enable the pupils to think in a rational and practical ways, they mindsets would become calculative and foresighted.