Admission Procedure for Primary Education should be made easy for small children

Discussion in 'Education' started by Campus, Mar 20, 2014.

  1. Campus

    Campus New Member

    In India, children usually begin their formal schooling at the age of 3 ½ years. And in such a small age, they have to face so many stages of admission procedure and formalities in order to get admission in the desired school. At this time the parents are in the most crucial stage. They search for the best schools and wish that their ward successfully, pass the admission interviews and doesn’t face any hurdle. So many of the formalities, interviews, parents’ interview, written tests and above all donations; come along with the procedure of admission in a school. Getting admission into a kinder-garden is also not so much easy these days.

    Small kids have to pass the interviews and tests; those who are even inefficient of holding the pencils and color also. No doubt that Indian education system has tried its best to adopt the western patterns and framework, but while admitting the children in the primary standards the parameters and criteria are still little tough for the children. Children ages 3-4 years are quite small to answer the questions in the interviews because interviews taken by the new person might make them nervous that also doesn’t prove that the child is dumb. Besides, the typical questions about father’s/mother’s name some schools prepare a full fledge questionnaire for the small kids that they have to answer in front of the interviewer.

    Such a formal atmosphere makes the child conscious and he/she might not be able to answer. At least, thanks to the concept of pre-schooling that somewhere enables and prepares the child for a new connection with the formal school. But children still in the primary schooling should not be made encountered with so many tests and interviews that demoralize them and make them nervous. Rather, there should be inclusion of fun activities in the admission procedure in order to determine the talents, specials, interests and potential of the child. Child at such a tender age doesn’t feel ready and comfortable to answer and interview. Rejection of the child on the basis of interviews and questions is quite hurtful to the parents.

  2. Generally children start schooling at 3-4 years. Most of them even don’t know how to open their own school bag. It’s really tough for these small kids to pass a series of tests to get admission in reputed schools. Sometimes they get nervous by seeing the new environment around them. So it’s better if they are summoned to play some games or fun activities for a fair judgment of their energy and capability. In this manner they shall definitely be enthusiastic and show more interest to participate in different activities. This shall also make it easier for teachers to select them.

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