Achievements of India

Discussion in 'India' started by Yuva, Jan 26, 2010.

  1. Yuva

    Yuva New Member

    We have one of the oldest civilizations in the world, which is more than 5000 years old.

    Many great achievements of Indians throughout the ages inspire us to be proud as Indians. The number “zero” was invented by Aryabhatta – an Indian Mathematician. The Sanskrit Zero, “0” is used in most of the major languages of the world.

    Hundreds of years ago, the great Indian astrologer Bhaskarachary calculated the time taken by the earth to orbit the sun. The Western astronomers knew the fact many years after that.

    The father of Plastic Surgery – “Sushruta” was an Indian.

    The first university in the world was established in Takshila in the year 700 BC. Students from all over the world came to study here.

    We have the largest Democracy in the world.

    The person who discovered that “Plants have life and sensitivity” was an Indian - Jagadish Chandra Bose”

    Sanskrit is the most logical language in the world.

    The great scriptures of India was written when most off the developed nations in the world did not even know how to read and write.

    Share your pride for your country with everyone you know and love.It’s the time to get inspired by these instances of achievements and walk in the path of progress.

    Can anyone post some more instances of achievements by Indians?

    Indian achievements , inventions , ancient Indians , Indus civilization , Indian scientists , Doctors , Teachers , Engineers , Books , achievements in information technology , Achievements of NRIs , greatest Achievement , Milestones , Bharat
    Youth likes this.

  2. sharan

    sharan New Member

    :D even though Indians had so many things we did not get any credits because Indian are worst teachers of the world.knowledge should be distributed.instead it was protected under absolute secrecy India. we not only lost the credits for our knowledge we also lost the expansion of our knowledge.many of the Greek and Italian scientist got credits for Indian inventions because they are the first one expose those knowledge to the world.otherwise it would have been inaccessible to us even now.even now we can identify some of the ancient traits in modern teachers.they wont teach every thing to every one . we can find those traits in the field of martial arts and medicine.that why ancient Indian martial arts and Indian medicine are diminishing.this is one example in Indian educational system that leads to everything

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