Abuse of the Facility of Reservation for Backward Castes & Classes in India

Discussion in 'Issues of India' started by Campus, Feb 22, 2014.

  1. Campus

    Campus New Member

    Some of the castes want to claim themselves to be backward castes, because they want to enjoy the benefits of reservation. Members of the backward castes, who have been enjoying the benefits of reservation and attained richness, want to enjoy the same permanently, and hence are not ready to give up these benefits voluntarily. Political parties, which have been successful in creating a vote-bank of the backward castes are also putting up resistance against any attempt to withdraw the facilities to those members and families of the backward castes, we have become economically forward over the years.

    Backward castes and classes are engaged in a kind of extreme political rivalry and violence particularly because of reservation. Clashes between the SCs and STs on the one hand and the declared Other Backward Classes on the other are on the increase especially in States like Bhar and U.P. Scheduled Castes are now inevitably drawn into permanent rivalry and violence in these States. The Scheduled Castes are afraid that their interest would be endangered with the upsurge of these OBCs. Reservation facility which has been provided for the backward castes has done more harm than good in certain areas, particularly in the areas of fanning the fire of caste politics. Hence, it is argued that as long as this facility continues so long caste consciousness, caste rivalry, caste politics, caste hatred and caste conflict will continue.

    In order to grab the benefits of reservation, some of the sub-castes belonging to the upper castes are also bringing pressure on the Government and the Backward Classes Commission to declare their sub-castes as backward castes. There is an impression among the people belonging to the lower castes and backward castes that they could come up in life and achieve social progress only through the reservation, governmental programs, schemes, concessions, facilities, etc. This kind of attitude is damaging the self-confidence and attempts at self-dependence of these people and putting hurdles in the path towards social development.

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