11 Reasons why I Feel Proud to be an Indian

Discussion in 'India' started by youthens, Nov 18, 2013.

  1. youthens

    youthens New Member

    I am PROUD to be an Indian.To be born in a nation like India is itself a matter of pride. It is the seventh largest nation by area and the largest democracy in the World that is well-known for its wide ranging diversities along with natural beauty. It has a rich cultural heritage and is one of the oldest civilizations of the World. The uniqueness of this nation that distinguishes it from other countries of the world includes topographical diversities, hospitality, biodiversity and history, just to name a few. These are the reasons that make many Indians feel proud. However, there are several other reasons besides these that make me feel proud to be an India. Here are a few reasons why I am proud of being an Indian:

    1. Indian Culture

    India is well-acclaimed for its rich culture that dates back to several thousand of years. Indian culture is a blend of several cultures that exists in different regions of India. There are several components such as religion, festivals, art forms, languages that form our culture and this blend of several components makes our culture unique and distinguishes the nation from other nations of the World. The various customs and traditions as well form a part of the rich culture. There are several other unique features of Indian culture that adds to its richness include cuisine, wedding, dress, etc.

    2. Diverse seasons and environment

    India is a nation where one can find different environment as well as seasons. It is bounded by water bodies on the three sides. There are snow capped mountains, deserts, beaches and even plain areas. This diversity has been attracting a swarm of tourists from the nook and corner of the orb making tourism industry one of the largest service industries. Furthermore, the nation is beautified by rivers, rhythmic waterfalls and lots more. One the most unique feature of the topography of India is that one can find mountains as well as desert in the same region, which yet again attracts the tourists.

    3. Indian History:

    The nation also has a rich history and it is evident from the various monuments present in different parts of the country. Indian history dates back to several thousands of years. Paintings made during the Stone Age stands as evidence of its richness. The Indus Valley Civilization and Vedic Civilization, which laid the foundations of Hinduism and other cultural aspects of early Indian society forms apart of the rich Indian history. India was an affluent nation, especially during the reign of Gupta Dynasty, which is referred to as the “Golden Era”. Although, it has been invaded by several nations, it strongly withstood their rule.

    4. Emotional People:

    A strong emotional bonding can be very well witnessed in India. People here are highly emotional and every moment is filled with different emotions. Motherly care, fatherly love, brotherhood, and lot more emotions can be found in this nation. Devoid of a single doubt, Indians are rich with an array of different emotions. Here one can see strong family ties, where children even after they grow up prefer staying with their parents.

    5. We Respect All Religions

    One of the most unique features of the nation is its secularism. India has been declared as a secular nation by the Constitution. Being a secular nation every religion is given equal status and equal respect. Every religious festival is celebrated with similar fervor and zest, which distinguishes India from rest of the World. Despite of the wide ranging diversity, here one can find temples, mosques and a church, located in proximity, which proves that there is unity amidst diversity.

    6. Fastest Growing Economy:

    India is one of the fastest growing economies of the World. Despite of witnessing a number of ups and downs in the economic front post Independence, the nation has withstood it efficiently. With the 1991 economic reforms, Indian economy has developed remarkably. It ranks 11th by nominal GDP and 3rd by purchasing power parity. It is also considered as a new industrialized country. Moreover, the economy of the nation stood strong even when during the Global economic crisis.

    7. Brotherhood

    Unity in Diversity is what India is well-known for and the feeling of brotherhood unites the nation. There are 22 official languages, more 1600 dialects spoken and almost 650 different recognised tribes dwell in this nation. Despite of the wide ranging diversities, yet the people of the nation remains united as one, which distinguishes it from the rest of the World.

    8. Next Superpower - India

    India has faced numerous problems and still stood firm and is developing at a very fast pace. It has developed remarkably since the time of Independence despite of facing problems in different aspect. It is the 3rd largest economy in Asia and is also the third largest economy in the world in terms of purchasing power parity (PPP). The living cost in India has increased and has contributed to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Also, in the field of science and technology, India is considered to be one of the leading nations in the World. It is the 2nd largest country in software development after US. Thus, it is one of the potential superpowers.

    9. Hospitality - Atithi Devo Bhava

    India is well-known for its hospitality and this attracts a lot of tourists from different parts of the globe. It is based on the philosophy of “Atithi Devo Bhava”, which means “the guest is God”. This aspect also distinguishes the nation, which forms a part of India’s rich culture and tradition.

    10. Skilled Workforce

    India tops the list in producing most numbers of professionals that include engineers, doctors, scientists and lawyers in the World. Majority of the workforce in prominent companies of the World employs Indians as they are highly skilled. Thus, making a remarkable contribution towards the global economy. This a matter of pride for every Indian.

    11. Indian Cuisine

    Indian cuisine forms a part of the rich culture and is famous all over the World. Indian delicacies vary from region to region, but the use of different spices makes it popular among the other nations. The blending of exotic spices indigenous to this land makes Indian cuisine the most excellent, delicious, economical and healthy food in the World.

    Although, I have stated some reasons that makes me feel proud to be and Indian, however, no reasons are actually required to feel proud of my own motherland. Whatever and however the nation is, I love my country and I feel proud to be an Indian - born in this vast nation.

    I'm trying and I will do my best to make India Proud.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 15, 2016

  2. Rekha

    Rekha New Member

    Reasons to feel proud to be an Indian

    I am proud to be an Indian! But, is the reason that I am born in India enough to justify my feeling of being proud? I don’t think this reason is sufficient enough. There are several qualities that India possesses that not just me but every Indian can be proud about. I have enumerated some of these qualities about the nation.

    Coexistence of diverse cultures
    : India is known as a land of diversities and the coexistence of several cultures makes India a unique nation. It is here that a feeling of belongingness is felt by everyone despite wide ranging diversities in terms of culture, language, religion, etc. Such a coexistence of diversities, yet having the same feeling of belongingness is something that is worth mentioning. No country in this World has such as sense of unity despite numerous diversities.

    Indian Democracy : With a population of more than 1 billion, India is the largest democracy of the World. It is a democracy in true sense of the word as we are given the right to elect our leaders. Elections in India are held every 5 years, which guarantees that people can choose their next leaders. Another tool that can be exercised by the citizens is anti-incumbency vote, which further gives people the right to voice their dissatisfaction against the prevailing government. This proves as evidence that Indian Democracy has given us a voice.

    Creativity is in our blood :In recent times, India has made remarkable progress in the field of science and technology and this is owing to the knack of innovation that people of India possesses. Today, India ranks 2[SUP]nd[/SUP] after US in software development and 3[SUP]rd[/SUP] in the World in telecom industry. Furthermore, we have also launched satellites at an unimaginably low cost. Although, we do not acknowledge it but creativity and innovation is in the blood of every India.

    Free Media : Indian media has played a major role in ensuring transparency in governance to a great extend and have enabled people to voice their opinions regarding governance. In recent times, clarifying the various government scams has helped in making opinion of the people about it.

    We are flexible in Nature : Indians are flexible in nature and they welcome all cultures with open arms. Indian culture has evolved with every generation and the changes in our culture have been constantly challenged by movies and television serials. Since the time of Independence, there has been a constant change in our culture and a westernized lifestyle is accepted as well as followed by almost every Indian.

    We are tolerant Society : India is well-known for possessing a wide array of diversities, however; as citizens of such a diverse nation, we are blessed with tolerance. People of India are tolerant towards every religion, caste, creed, language, etc. and this tolerance distinguishes us from other nations of the World. There have been several attempts to divide the country on the basis of caste, religion and language but no one could succeed in countering people’s opinion based on these grounds.

    Universally accepted and respected Culture : Indian traditions are accepted all over the World. People from the West visit India in quest of leading a spiritual life. Yoga as well as Ayurveda has gained immense significance in the western countries owing to its benefits, which has always been a part of our culture and traditions. It is a matter of pride that these traditions are now no longer confined to India but are accepted and respected universally.

    These are some of the reasons that make me feel proud to be an Indian.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 15, 2016

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