
If you’re looking for job search and career advice, make sure you visit Our career section quite frequently. career advice, Interview tips, Smart work tricks and everything you need to find a job or to help you be successful in your career.

Even though millions of young men and women pass from college every year, the chances of employability of those youngsters remain bleak. Not all the young people are capable of landing a good job and earning in lacs. A...
“Do what you love and you’ll never work a day in Life”, they say. Now that’s pure bull shit; a job’s always a job with its usual downsides like the deadlines, routine, etc. However, it definitely helps to make...
"My boss is a man and I do not think we will be able to work together in harmony;" "My boss is a woman:  I wonder how will I take orders from a woman now; "My boss is a...
Your professional success depends a lot on how productive you make yourself at work. If you are serious about your career, it is imperative that you need to make yourself extremely useful very early on. Unfortunately, a typical day...
In a world full of diverse choices and many, many opportunities – at least in a metropolis – it isn’t difficult to get a job. But getting a job of your choice, a job which you love, that’s a...


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