Home Authors Posts by Samarth


A management graduate by circumstances and a corporate dropout by choice, I have evolved to understand my strikingly keen interest in the written word and anything comical.

The Purpose of Education – Creating Responsible and Productive Citizens

If we look back in our memory of the journey of life, no matter how old we are - one major and distinctive area of our recollection includes a time in school and college. This is the period of education that a lot of us have gone through but I daresay this is the case for everybody in India...

Pollution – The Dark Reality Hidden under the Garb of Development

Pollution in India
Being a youngster and attending parties always gets one question hurled at me more often than I had imagined: ‘Do you smoke?’ and if I happen to be in a metropolitan city of India, my answer is always ‘Yes, but unwillingly’. We read hundreds of air quality reports, get enraged about delayed flights due to lack of visibility, see foreign...

5 Books Every Youngster Should Begin Their Reading Journey with

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime
Ask the greatest polymaths and geniuses of our time about their mantras for success and you will get one resounding answer – constant learning. And learning isn’t what happens in schools or colleges where students with heterogeneous qualities are adjudged on homogenous test skills. That is more a test of memory than knowledge. In this age of a barrage...

Live-in relationships in India are legal – but what does it really entail for young couples?

Buy Home Couple
In a country with prevalent moral policing standards and ‘what’ll the neighbours say’ attitude, it is not uncommon to still have a debate on personal freedom and pro-choice liberalism being in effect. This is the cognitive dissonance our nation collectively goes through. But are we moving towards a better India in an aspect as basic as who we love...


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