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Ravi Raj

Ravi Raj

How to induce a feeling of patriotism in today’s youth?

indian youth
Being patriotic towards the nation is everyone’s responsibility, for we as a society, as a group, form the nation. There is no nation without people and vice-versa. Youth forms a major part of the nation and being patriotic towards it is their major responsibility. While the youth today enjoy their freedom in heritage, they must know the amount of...

5 Questions you must ask yourself before committing to a relationship!

Relationship Questions
Relationship is a very strong word. It means a commitment binding two people in a single bond, uniting them together as one. It’s of course love I am talking about. But to understand this in minute details, know what may come next, what its consequences might be, how things are going to be, are some of many questions the...

Youth participation in Democracy and good governance

Of the hundred percent of the population of India, seventy percent of the massive population include today’s youth. And the importance of youth participation in Democracy and Good Governance cannot be, in any way, underestimated. In fact, they play a very major role in uplifting a country’s stature. A democracy depends upon the will of the majority and youth comprises...

Letter to the parents from the present day youth

Dear Parents, This is a letter we are writing to you with the sole intention to put forward what is in our mind, but before that we want you to know that we love you. Image source There were days when parents used to be a symbol of terror, their one sight of anger used to be the reason of silence on...

Mountaineering, an adventure worth living!

Being a student of Sainik School Korukonda, Andhra Pradesh, adventure has always been a close ally to me. Of numerous adventures I had during my tenure of military discipline there, the special adventure course at Himalayan Mountaineering Institute occupies a special place in my heart. My course there was a week long, and that week, indeed, has been a...


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