Home Authors Posts by Pritesh


Pritesh is a writer, reader, photographer stricken with wanderlust, Football aficionado, Demon-slayer, Monster-hunter, entrepreneur supreme. He creates worlds with words and he is currently working on three novels and a collection of short stories. When he isn't writing, he can be seen inhaling copious amounts of coffee and arguing with the many voices in his head.

How to Lose Lower Body Fat

How to loose Abdominal Fat
If you are keenly working out, you would definitely want to lose all the excess fat on your body. Sadly, losing fat from the region below the stomach, on the part which makes the lower abs, is among the toughest things to do. It isn’t easy, and it takes a combination of a good diet and proper exercise to...

Top 3 Apps For Sending Money

paytm Mobile app for sending money
It often happens when you go out with friends that you are short on cash and have to make the groups payment via a credit or debit card. In fact, with demonetization, it has become more the norm than the previously rare occurrence that it was. Thus, what happens is one of you ends up paying for everyone else,...

How to Break off a Relationship with a Married Person

They say ‘Love is blind’. They speak truly. After all, what other emotion can make a person perform the deeds that love can? It can give a mother supernatural strength to save her child. It can make a person cross continents to be with their lover. It can lead to war, as happened over Helen of Troy. And it can...

Top 4 Mobile Wallets in India

Mobile Wallets in India
As technology evolves, economy develops and the world proceeds into the future, citizens have to become technologically savvy to keep up with the changing times. That’s how it has been in the past. That’s how it’ll continue to be in the future. Of course, we Indians aren’t exactly lovers of change, and adapting to the digital world has taken...

Teen Drinking Influenced by Alcohol Advertising on (Magazines, TV and Radio )

Teen Drinking alcohol
Ah, alcoholism. The greatest escape from the travails of reality for the modern youth. The poison which takes them through the week – only to go on another bender on the weekend – to forget problems of the past week, and get prepared for the week to come. The weekend enjoyment for many a folk. The thing that many...


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