Home Authors Posts by Pritesh


Pritesh is a writer, reader, photographer stricken with wanderlust, Football aficionado, Demon-slayer, Monster-hunter, entrepreneur supreme. He creates worlds with words and he is currently working on three novels and a collection of short stories. When he isn't writing, he can be seen inhaling copious amounts of coffee and arguing with the many voices in his head.

Struggles of an Aspiring Author in India

A generation grew up reading due to the success of Harry Potter. Then, the more recent success of TV shows based on books such as ‘The Game of Thrones’ has seen a lot of people take up reading to find out what happens next in the show, while readers have gotten the privilege of seeing their favourite (and some...

Why do Young Indians Love to Work Abroad?

Working Abroad
There’s a number of reasons why young Indians choose to work abroad, even though getting that job is not an easy thing. From getting frustrated at low paying jobs with high work hours in the motherland, to having to deal with obnoxious – and often less talented but well connected – bosses, to seeking a change of scenery and...

Indian Football Needs to Bring Back Old Tournaments

Football India
Recently, Services retained the Santosh Trophy with a 2-1 comeback win against Maharashtra in Nagpur. It was a good run out for the lads in the scorching heat, helping them build up their stamina and fitness levels. The Santosh Trophy is India’s most prestigious inter-state competition. Once upon a time, it was regularly accompanied by competitions such as the...

Life Lessons Learnt From Travelling

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do.” – Mark Twain. There’s nothing quite like travelling and drinking in different cultures, soaking in different ways of life, meeting new people and seeing the many different aspects of humanity to get a whole new perspective about the...

Why do Indian Students Choose to Study Abroad

indian student studying Abroad
'The grass is greener on the other side' Alright, perhaps I am being facetious with the above quote, but it still has a ring of the truth. There’s a number of reasons that Indian students choose to study abroad, and as one who is currently infatuated with the same thought, and yet tethering on the edge of the precipice, unwilling,...


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